A monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv was erected in the park on the Dnipro embankment in the spring of 1982 as part of preparations for the 1500th anniversary of the city.
According to an ancient legend, Kyiv was founded by three brothers - Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv - and their sister Lybid . While sailing through the Dnipro, they were captivated by the beauty of the Dnipro hills, decided to settle here and named the city after their older brother. Probably, these were the princes of the tribal association of the Polyans, who are the founders of the three settlements that later formed the city of Kyiv. Their names have been preserved in the city toponymy.
The sculptural composition is presented in the form of a boat on which figures of the founders are installed. The sc ...
A monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv was erected in the park on the Dnipro embankment in the spring of 1982 as part of preparations for the 1500th anniversary of the city.
According to an ancient legend, Kyiv was founded by three brothers - Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv - and their sister Lybid . While sailing through the Dnipro, they were captivated by the beauty of the Dnipro hills, decided to settle here and named the city after their older brother. Probably, these were the princes of the tribal association of the Polyans, who are the founders of the three settlements that later formed the city of Kyiv. Their names have been preserved in the city toponymy.
The sculptural composition is presented in the form of a boat on which figures of the founders are installed. The sculpture is made of angled copper. There is a swimming pool at the foot of the granite pedestal.
Пам'ятник легендарним засновникам Києва споруджено у парку на набережній Дніпра навесні 1982 року в рамках підготовки до 1500-річчя міста.
За стародавньою легендою, Київ був заснований трьома братами - Києм, Щеком та Хоривом - та їхньою сестрою Либіддю. Пропливаючи Дніпром, вони були захоплені красою дніпровських пагорбів, вирішили тут оселитися і назвали місто ім'ям старшого брата. Ймовірно, це були князі племінного об'єднання полян, які є засновниками трьох поселень, які пізніше склали місто Київ. Їхні імена збереглися у міській топоніміці.
Скульптурна композиція представлена у вигляді човна, на якому встановлені фігури засновників. Скульптура виконана з кутої міді. Біля підніжжя гранітного постаменту розташований басейн.
Last update
Categories | Monument |
Date of foundation | 1982 |
Address |
Naberezhne Highway, Navodnytskyi Park
Kyiv |
Coordinates |
50.42888889° N, 30.56888889° E
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