Sharhorod Castle, Sharhorod

Castle / fortress

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General information about Sharhorod Castle (Sharhorod)

The remains of the fortifications of the Sharhorod castle, built in 1585 by the prince Yan Zamoyskyi.

The castle was located on a hill at the confluence of the Kovbasna River in Murashka, had a citadel with five towers, and long-range artillery.

In 1595, the fortress was destroyed by the Cossacks of Severyn Nalyvayko, and in 1648 it was captured by the troops of Maksym Kryvonos. The Cossack garrison withstood Polish sieges until 1651, when they were forced to surrender by the army of Hetman Martyn Kalynovsyi.

Since the 18th century, the Sharhorod castle lost its strategic importance and began to crumble. Despite an attempt at restoration made in the 19th century, only the ruins of one tower and fragments of retaining walls, which are located among private buildings, ha ...

The remains of the fortifications of the Sharhorod castle, built in 1585 by the prince Yan Zamoyskyi.

The castle was located on a hill at the confluence of the Kovbasna River in Murashka, had a citadel with five towers, and long-range artillery.

In 1595, the fortress was destroyed by the Cossacks of Severyn Nalyvayko, and in 1648 it was captured by the troops of Maksym Kryvonos. The Cossack garrison withstood Polish sieges until 1651, when they were forced to surrender by the army of Hetman Martyn Kalynovsyi.

Since the 18th century, the Sharhorod castle lost its strategic importance and began to crumble. Despite an attempt at restoration made in the 19th century, only the ruins of one tower and fragments of retaining walls, which are located among private buildings, have survived to this day.

Залишки фортифікаційних споруд Шаргородського замку, збудованого в 1585 році нязем Яном Замойським.

Замок розташовувався на пагорбі при впаданні річки Ковбасної в Мурашку, мав цитадель на п'ять веж, далекобійну артилерію.

У 1595 році фортецю зруйнували козаки Северина Наливайка, а в 1648 році її захопили загони Максима Кривоноса. Козацький гарнізон витримував польські облоги до 1651 року, коли їх змусила здатися армія гетьмана Мартина Калиновського.

З XVIII століття шаргородський замок втратив стратегічне значення і став руйнуватися. Незважаючи на спробу реставрації, зроблену в ХІХ столітті, до наших днів дожили лише руїни однієї вежі та фрагменти підпірних стін, які розташовані серед приватної забудови.

Practical information about Sharhorod Castle (Sharhorod)

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Categories Castle / fortress
Date of foundation 1579
Address Knyahyni Olhy Street


Coordinates 48.7332° N, 28.0836° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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