The thermal source of therapeutic mineral water is located at the exit from Shchaslyvtseve in the direction of Strilkove, next to the Pillbox (DOT) "Dnipro", on the territory of the unfinished Inter Medical Eco City complex.
Water with a temperature of up to 70 degrees gushes out of the well, then successively flows through three shallow pools, gradually cooling down.
Water is indicated for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, chronic inflammatory diseases of women, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and metabolic disorders, as well as skin diseases. Taking mineral baths also helps to heal wounds.
There are no medical personnel and official procedures, but people are attracted by the possibil ...
The thermal source of therapeutic mineral water is located at the exit from Shchaslyvtseve in the direction of Strilkove, next to the Pillbox (DOT) "Dnipro", on the territory of the unfinished Inter Medical Eco City complex.
Water with a temperature of up to 70 degrees gushes out of the well, then successively flows through three shallow pools, gradually cooling down.
Water is indicated for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, chronic inflammatory diseases of women, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and metabolic disorders, as well as skin diseases. Taking mineral baths also helps to heal wounds.
There are no medical personnel and official procedures, but people are attracted by the possibility of free self-treatment.
Термальне джерело лікувальної мінеральної води знаходиться на виїзді зі Щасливцевого у бік Стрілкового, поряд із ДОТ "Дніпро", на території недобудованого комплексу Inter Medical Eco City.
Вода температурою до 70 градусів фонтанує зі свердловини, потім послідовно тече через три неглибокі басейни, поступово охолоджуючись.
Вода показана для лікування серцево-судинних захворювань, центральної нервової системи, опорно-рухового апарату, хронічних запальних жіночих хвороб, захворювань шлунково-кишкового тракту, ендокринних та обмінних порушень, а також шкірних захворювань. Прийом мінеральних ванн також сприяє загоєнню ран.
Медперсоналу та офіційних процедур немає, проте людей приваблює можливість безкоштовного самолікування.
Last update
Categories | Natural object |
Date of foundation | 1968 |
Address |
Naberezhna Street
Shchaslyvtseve |
Coordinates |
45.9918° N, 34.8508° E
Additional services |
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