Attractions of Ukraine
Attractions region
Attractions Khmelnytskyi region
Attractions Kamyanets-Podilskyi district
Attractions Kamyanets-Podilskyi
Holy Trinity Trinitarian Church (Saint Josaphat Church)
The Trinitarian church in Kamyanets-Podilskyi was founded in the 18th century by monks of the Trinitarian order, who specialized in the redemption of slaves from Turkish captivity.
The temple is made in baroque style. Attention is drawn to the main facade, which is given the slenderness of the pilasters of the Tuscan order. The facade is finished with a pediment decorated with sculptures and vases. The church is surrounded by a stone wall. The gates are decorated with statues of Jean de Mat and Felix Valois, the founders of the Trinitarian monastic order. The stairs leading to the gate are surrounded by a parapet, on which a statue of the Virgin Mary is installed.
After the Second World War, the funds of the Khmelnytskyi Regional State Archive were housed in the Trinity Chur ...
The Trinitarian church in Kamyanets-Podilskyi was founded in the 18th century by monks of the Trinitarian order, who specialized in the redemption of slaves from Turkish captivity.
The temple is made in baroque style. Attention is drawn to the main facade, which is given the slenderness of the pilasters of the Tuscan order. The facade is finished with a pediment decorated with sculptures and vases. The church is surrounded by a stone wall. The gates are decorated with statues of Jean de Mat and Felix Valois, the founders of the Trinitarian monastic order. The stairs leading to the gate are surrounded by a parapet, on which a statue of the Virgin Mary is installed.
After the Second World War, the funds of the Khmelnytskyi Regional State Archive were housed in the Trinity Church.
Today it is the Greek Catholic Church of Saint Josaphat.
Тринітарський костел у Кам'янці-Подільському заснований в XVIII сторіччі ченцями ордена тринітаріїв, які спеціалізувалися на викупі невільників із турецького полону.
Храм виконаний у стилі бароко. Привертає увагу головний фасад, якому надають стрункості пілястри тосканського ордера. Фасад завершено фронтоном, прикрашеним скульптурами та вазами. Костел обгороджений кам'яною стіною. Ворота прикрашені статуями Жана де Мата та Фелікса Валуа – засновників Тринітарського чернечого ордену. Сходи, що ведуть до воріт, огороджені парапетом, на якому встановлено статую Діви Марії.
Після Другої світової війни у Тринітарському костелі розмістились фонди Хмельницького обласного державного архіву.
Нині це греко-католицька церква Святого Йосафата.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1750-1780 |
Address |
Trynitarska Street, 1
Kamyanets-Podilskyi |
Coordinates |
48.67334° N, 26.57018° E
Official site | | |
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