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Attractions Vyshnia
Fredro-Sheptytsky Palace
Since the 19th century, the estate in the village of Vyshnia belonged to the Polish comedian Aleksander Fredro, the grandfather of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, one of the most respected heads of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
The Neo-Renaissance palace, built in 1835, a wing with a tower, a park with a pond, and farm buildings have survived to this day. Today, an agricultural college is located here.
The magnificent stucco in the exterior and interior decoration, ancient stairs, several tiled stoves, and bookcases from the writer's library have been preserved in the palace.
The room-museum of Aleksander Fredro and Andrey Sheptytsky was opened. The exposition presents original furniture, as well as a model of the palace, made by students of the Warsaw Polyt ...
Since the 19th century, the estate in the village of Vyshnia belonged to the Polish comedian Aleksander Fredro, the grandfather of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, one of the most respected heads of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
The Neo-Renaissance palace, built in 1835, a wing with a tower, a park with a pond, and farm buildings have survived to this day. Today, an agricultural college is located here.
The magnificent stucco in the exterior and interior decoration, ancient stairs, several tiled stoves, and bookcases from the writer's library have been preserved in the palace.
The room-museum of Aleksander Fredro and Andrey Sheptytsky was opened. The exposition presents original furniture, as well as a model of the palace, made by students of the Warsaw Polytechnic.
Садиба у селі Вишня з ХІХ століття належала польському комедіографу Александеру Фредро, дідові митрополита Андрея Шептицького, одного з найшанованіших предстоятелів Українсбкої греко-католицької церкви.
До наших днів збереглися палац у стилі неоренесансу, збудований у 1835 році, флігель з баштою, парк зі ставком та господарські споруди. Нині тут розташовується аграрний коледж.
У палаці збереглася пишна ліпнина у зовнішній та внутрішній обробці, старовинні сходи, кілька кахлевих печей, книжкові шафи з бібліотеки письменника.
Відкрито кімнату-музей Александера Фредро та Андрея Шептицького. В експозиції представлені оригінальні меблі, а також макет палацу, виготовлений студентами Варшавської політехніки.
Last update
Categories | Palace / manor, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1835 |
Address |
Naukova Street, 1
Vyshnia |
Coordinates |
49.6673833° N, 23.482752° E
Phone | +380 3231 25 145, | | |
Official site | |
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