Sapieha Burial Church, Bilche-Zolote



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General information about Sapieha Burial Church (Bilche-Zolote)

The Roman Catholic church in Bilche-Zolote was founded in 1839. In its current form, it was rebuilt in 1898 as a burial chapel of the Sapieha family, who owned these lands.

The small building was built in the Neo-Gothic style. The facade depicts the Lithuanian coat of arms of Gediminas' descendants "Pohonya" (rider with a sword) and the family coat of arms of Sapieha "Fox" (arrow with a double crossbar).

Today it is the church of Saint Paraskeva of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The church is located on the territory of Bilche-Zolote Park, a monument of garden architecture (1800, 11 hectares, 46 types of trees) on the site of the former manor house that belonged to the Sapiehas.

During the Soviet times, a cultural center was built on ...

The Roman Catholic church in Bilche-Zolote was founded in 1839. In its current form, it was rebuilt in 1898 as a burial chapel of the Sapieha family, who owned these lands.

The small building was built in the Neo-Gothic style. The facade depicts the Lithuanian coat of arms of Gediminas' descendants "Pohonya" (rider with a sword) and the family coat of arms of Sapieha "Fox" (arrow with a double crossbar).

Today it is the church of Saint Paraskeva of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The church is located on the territory of Bilche-Zolote Park, a monument of garden architecture (1800, 11 hectares, 46 types of trees) on the site of the former manor house that belonged to the Sapiehas.

During the Soviet times, a cultural center was built on the foundations of the Sapieha Palace.

Римо-католицький костел у Більче-Золотому закладеноий у 1839 році. У нинішньому вигляді відбудований у 1898 році як каплиця-усипальниця роду Сапєг (Сапігів), які володіли цими землями.

Невелика будівля збудована в стилі неоготики. На фасаді зображено литовський герб нащадків Гедиміна "Погоня" (вершник з мечем) та родовий герб Сапєг "Лис" (стріла з подвійною поперечиною).

Нині це храм Святої Параскеви Української греко-католицької церкви.

Костел розташований на території Більче-Золотинецького парку-пам'ятника садово-паркової архітектури (1800 рік, 11 гектарів, 46 видів дерев) на місці колишньої садиби, що належала Сапєгам.

На фундаментах палацу Сапєг за радянських часів збудували будинок культури.

Practical information about Sapieha Burial Church (Bilche-Zolote)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1839-1898
Address Makhnivka Street


Coordinates 48.77861111° N, 25.88277778° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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