Assumption of Blessed Virgin Church, Boryslav



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General information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Church (Boryslav)

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Boryslav was built in 1929.

It is located at the exit from the city in the direction of Skhidnytsia (then it was the village of Mraznytsia).

The temple, according to the project of architects Serhiy Tymoshenko and Oleksandr Pezhanskyi, is built on a high plinth made of Ternopil stone, the floor is paved with Czech tiles, the main throne is made of white Carrara marble. The church is decorated with four entrance columns made of white stone, the domes of the church are covered with copper sheet. Artistic stained glass windows were executed by the famous impressionist artist Petro Kholodnyi under the supervision of the poet and artist Bohdan Lepkyi.

In 1962, the Church of the Assumption in Boryslav was closed by t ...

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Boryslav was built in 1929.

It is located at the exit from the city in the direction of Skhidnytsia (then it was the village of Mraznytsia).

The temple, according to the project of architects Serhiy Tymoshenko and Oleksandr Pezhanskyi, is built on a high plinth made of Ternopil stone, the floor is paved with Czech tiles, the main throne is made of white Carrara marble. The church is decorated with four entrance columns made of white stone, the domes of the church are covered with copper sheet. Artistic stained glass windows were executed by the famous impressionist artist Petro Kholodnyi under the supervision of the poet and artist Bohdan Lepkyi.

In 1962, the Church of the Assumption in Boryslav was closed by the Soviet authorities.

Reborn in 1991 as Greek Catholic.

Церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці у Бориславі збудована в 1929 році.

Розташована на виїзді з міста у бік Східниці (тоді це був присілок Мразниця).

Храм за проєктом архітекторів Сергія Тимошенка та Олександра Пежанського побудований на високому цоколі з тернопільського каменю, підлога вимощена чеським кахлем, головний престол виконаний з білого каррарського мармуру. Церква прикрашена чотирма вхідними колонами, виготовленими з білого каменю, бані церкви покриті мідною бляхою. Художні вітражі виконав відомий художник-імпресіоніст Петро Холодний та під наглядом поета та художника Богдана Лепкого.

В 1962 році Успенська церква в Бориславі була закрита радянського владою.

Відроджена в 1991 році як греко-католицька.

Practical information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Church (Boryslav)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1929
Address Stepana Bandery Street, 97


Coordinates 49.2615454° N, 23.3837771° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 3248 54 977,
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