Saints Nicholas and Anna Church, Bibrka



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General information about Saints Nicholas and Anna Church (Bibrka)

The ancient defense church of Saints Nicholas and Anna in Bibrka, according to one version, was founded in 1402 by the legendary Polish knight Zavish Charnyi, the hero of Henryk Senkevych`s novel "Crusaders".

In the upper part of the walls of the western volume, loopholes have been preserved. The temple was destroyed during the invasion of the Tatars in 1621, but after some time it was restored. After thorough reconstruction in 1914-1922, the Nicholas church lost its original appearance. During the reconstruction, the western part of the building (XVII century) was preserved, the other parts were built anew.

The architecture of the Church of Saints Nicholas and Anna is extremely laconic. The only decorative element enlivening the western facade is a dull arcade on ...

The ancient defense church of Saints Nicholas and Anna in Bibrka, according to one version, was founded in 1402 by the legendary Polish knight Zavish Charnyi, the hero of Henryk Senkevych`s novel "Crusaders".

In the upper part of the walls of the western volume, loopholes have been preserved. The temple was destroyed during the invasion of the Tatars in 1621, but after some time it was restored. After thorough reconstruction in 1914-1922, the Nicholas church lost its original appearance. During the reconstruction, the western part of the building (XVII century) was preserved, the other parts were built anew.

The architecture of the Church of Saints Nicholas and Anna is extremely laconic. The only decorative element enlivening the western facade is a dull arcade on the pediment.

Стародавній оборонний костел Святих Миколая та Анни в Бібрці, за однією з версій, заснований у 1402 році легендарним польським лицарем Завішем Чарним, героєм роману Генрика Сенкевича "Хрестоносці".

У верхній частині стін західного об'єму збереглися бійниці. Храм було зруйновано під час набігу татар у 1621 році, але через деякий час відновлено. Після ґрунтовної перебудови в 1914-1922 pоках Миколаївський костел втратив первісний вигляд. При реконструкції було збережено західну частину споруди (XVII сторіччя), інші частини зведено наново.

Архітектура костелу святих Миколая та Анни гранично лаконічна. Єдиний декоративний елемент, що пожвавлює західний фасад, - це глуха аркада на фронтоні.

Practical information about Saints Nicholas and Anna Church (Bibrka)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1402
Address Yasna Street, 2


Coordinates 49.6377111° N, 24.2962325° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 3263 41 895,
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