The first monument to wage earners (migrant workers, guest workers) in Ukraine was erected in 2011 in the Transcarpathian village of Kolochava.
Against the background of a tiny hut of a poor peasant, a scene of farewell to the family of the head of the family, who is forced to leave his homeland in an attempt to ensure a normal future for his children, is filmed. The figures of the wage earner and his family members are depicted in clothes of the beginning of the 20th century, because it was in those years that almost half of the male population of the village went to earn money. Many of them never returned - their names are engraved on the memorial plaque.
The composition stands in the center of the village, at the bus stop - where even now the people of Kolochava see off t ...
The first monument to wage earners (migrant workers, guest workers) in Ukraine was erected in 2011 in the Transcarpathian village of Kolochava.
Against the background of a tiny hut of a poor peasant, a scene of farewell to the family of the head of the family, who is forced to leave his homeland in an attempt to ensure a normal future for his children, is filmed. The figures of the wage earner and his family members are depicted in clothes of the beginning of the 20th century, because it was in those years that almost half of the male population of the village went to earn money. Many of them never returned - their names are engraved on the memorial plaque.
The composition stands in the center of the village, at the bus stop - where even now the people of Kolochava see off their loved ones to a foreign land.
Першу в Україні пам'ятник заробітчанам (трудовим мігрантам, гастарбайтерам) встановлено у 2011 році в закарпатському селі Колочава.
На тлі крихітної хатинки бідного селянина знято сцену прощання з сім'єю глави сімейства, який змушений залишити батьківщину у спробі забезпечити нормальне майбутнє своїм дітям. Фігури заробітчанина та членів його сім'ї зображені в одязі початку XX століття, адже саме в ті роки на заробітки поїхала майже половина чоловічого населення села. Багато хто з них так і не повернувся - їхні імена висічені на меморіальній плиті.
Композиція стоїть у центрі села, на автобусній зупинці – там, де й зараз колочавці проводжають своїх близьких на чужину.
Last update
Categories | Monument |
Date of foundation | 2011 |
Address |
Tarasa Shevchenka Street
Kolochava |
Coordinates |
48.42636° N, 23.6982715° E
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