Attractions of Ukraine
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Attractions Poltava region
Attractions Myrhorod district
Attractions Velyka Bahachka
Nativity of Holy Virgin Church
The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Velyka Bahachka was built in 1710 at the expense of Andriy Stefanovych, a Bahachka centurion. A new iconostasis was installed in the church in 1738. In 1860, the church was placed on a stone plinth and a wooden bell tower was added. There was a school at the church, taught by deacon Lavrentiy Babichenko and palamar Taras Tkach.
During the Soviet rule, the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin was destroyed in 1937. After Ukraine gained independence, the question of restoring the temple arose. At first, church services were held in the rented premises of the "Vesnyanka" factory. Later, a new church was built by the efforts of the parishioners.
The modern building of the church is a copy of the building of 1710 and ...
The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Velyka Bahachka was built in 1710 at the expense of Andriy Stefanovych, a Bahachka centurion. A new iconostasis was installed in the church in 1738. In 1860, the church was placed on a stone plinth and a wooden bell tower was added. There was a school at the church, taught by deacon Lavrentiy Babichenko and palamar Taras Tkach.
During the Soviet rule, the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin was destroyed in 1937. After Ukraine gained independence, the question of restoring the temple arose. At first, church services were held in the rented premises of the "Vesnyanka" factory. Later, a new church was built by the efforts of the parishioners.
The modern building of the church is a copy of the building of 1710 and the first service was held in 2001.
Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці у Великій Багачці була побудована в 1710 році коштом багачанського сотника Андрія Стефановича. Новий іконостас у церкві встановили в 1738 році. У 1860 році храм поставили на кам'яний цоколь і прибудували дерев'яну дзвіницю. При церкві діяла школа, де викладали дяк Лаврентій Бабіченко і паламар Тарас Ткач.
За радянської влади церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці була знищена в 1937 році. Після здобуття Україною незалежності постало питання про відновлення храму. Спочатку церковні служби проходили в орендованому приміщенні фабрики "Веснянка". Згодом зусиллями прихожан був побудований новий храм.
Сучасна будівля церкви є копією споруди 1710 року і перша служба відбулася в 2001 році.
Last update
Categories | Temple |
Date of foundation | 1710-2001 |
Address |
Mykoly Hoholya Street
Velyka Bahachka |
Coordinates |
49.783937° N, 33.7272244° E
Additional services |
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