The Sanzhiika lighthouse is sometimes called the "runaway lighthouse".
In this area of the Black Sea, there are two underwater currents coming from the Bosphorus and Kerch, which poses a danger to passing ships. In 1792-1793, a decision was made to erect a watchtower here and appoint a garrison for duty. To warn ships of danger, sea flags were hung on the tower, and at night - signal lanterns, which became the prototype of a lighthouse.
In 1921, the capital building of the lighthouse was built, of which only a plaque remains today. In 1956, the current building of the Sanzhiika lighthouse was built. But since the sea was approaching the lighthouse tower about a meter a year due to the collapse of the coast, in 2010, without waiting for a critical situation, the l ...
The Sanzhiika lighthouse is sometimes called the "runaway lighthouse".
In this area of the Black Sea, there are two underwater currents coming from the Bosphorus and Kerch, which poses a danger to passing ships. In 1792-1793, a decision was made to erect a watchtower here and appoint a garrison for duty. To warn ships of danger, sea flags were hung on the tower, and at night - signal lanterns, which became the prototype of a lighthouse.
In 1921, the capital building of the lighthouse was built, of which only a plaque remains today. In 1956, the current building of the Sanzhiika lighthouse was built. But since the sea was approaching the lighthouse tower about a meter a year due to the collapse of the coast, in 2010, without waiting for a critical situation, the lighthouse was moved 80 meters further from the shore.
Санжійський маяк іноді називають "втікаючим маяком".
У цьому районі Чорного моря зустрічаються дві підводні течії, що йдуть з Босфору і Керчі, що становить небезпеку для суден, що проходять. У 1792-1793 pоках було ухвалено рішення поставити тут сторожову вежу і призначити гарнізон для несення служби. Для попередження кораблів про небезпеку на вежі вивішували морські прапори, а вночі - сигнальні ліхтарі, що стало прообразом маяка.
У 1921 році було збудовано капітальну будівлю маяка, від якої нині залишилася лише табличка. В 1956 році спорудили нинішню будівлю Санжійського маяка. Але оскільки внаслідок обвалення берега море підступало до вежі маяка приблизно на метр на рік, у 2010 році, не чекаючи на критичну ситуацію, маяк перенесли на 80 метрів далі від берега.
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Categories | Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1921-1956 |
Coordinates |
46.2256148° N, 30.6090754° E
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