Armenian Well, Kamyanets-Podilskyi


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General information about Armenian Well (Kamyanets-Podilskyi)

The massive octagonal pavilion near the town hall on the Polsky Rynok of Kamyanets-Podilskyi was erected over the Armenian Well, which was opened in 1638.

A well with a depth of 55 meters (according to other sources - 40 meters) was cut in solid rock by order of the Polish king Vladyslav IV Vazф. It was to become the main source of drinking water for the city's residents.

According to legend, the construction was carried out on the remains of stolen funds bequeathed to the construction of the city's water supply by the rich Armenian merchant Narzes. However, the water in the well turned out to be salty, and it was deemed unsuitable for drinking. Because of this, the Armenian well was jokingly nicknamed the "monument of corruption".

For a long time, th ...

The massive octagonal pavilion near the town hall on the Polsky Rynok of Kamyanets-Podilskyi was erected over the Armenian Well, which was opened in 1638.

A well with a depth of 55 meters (according to other sources - 40 meters) was cut in solid rock by order of the Polish king Vladyslav IV Vazф. It was to become the main source of drinking water for the city's residents.

According to legend, the construction was carried out on the remains of stolen funds bequeathed to the construction of the city's water supply by the rich Armenian merchant Narzes. However, the water in the well turned out to be salty, and it was deemed unsuitable for drinking. Because of this, the Armenian well was jokingly nicknamed the "monument of corruption".

For a long time, the well pavilion was used as a warehouse. Now it is an exhibition hall.

Масивний восьмикутний павільйон біля ратуші на Польському Ринку Кам'янця-Подільського зведено над Вірменською криницею, яка була відкрита в 1638 році.

Криницю глибиною 55 метрів (за іншими даними - 40 метрів) прорубали в суцільній скельній породі за розпорядженням польського короля Владислава IV Вази. Вона мала стати основним джерелом питної води для мешканців міста.

За легендою, будівництво велося на залишки розкрадених коштів, які заповів на будівництво міського водопроводу багатий вірменський купець Нарзес. Проте вода в криниці виявилася солоною, її визнали непридатною для пиття. За це Вірменську криницю жартома прозвали "пам'ятником корупції".

Тривалий час павільйон криниці використовували як склад. Нині це виставкова зала.

Practical information about Armenian Well (Kamyanets-Podilskyi)

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Categories Architecture
Date of foundation 1638
Address Polsky Rynok square, 1


Coordinates 48.6754813° N, 26.5722322° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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