Ascension Church, Mezhyriv



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General information about Ascension Church (Mezhyriv)

The Ascension Church in Mezhyriv was built in 1794 at the expense of the nobleman Andriy Orlovsky.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the parish had 1,438 parishioners. In 1945, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities, the building was used as a collective farm granary.

Currently, the church is in a dilapidated state. Inside, traces of stucco can be seen here and there. Nearby is the same dilapidated three-part bell tower, typical for Catholic churches.

Вознесенський костел у Межирові побудований в 1794 році коштом шляхтича Андрія Орловського.

На початку ХХ століття парафія налічувала 1438 парафіян. У 1945 році храм був закритий радянською владою, будівля використовувалася як колгоспне зерносховище.

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Practical information about Ascension Church (Mezhyriv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1794
Address Serbynivska Street, 1


Coordinates 49.0762488° N, 28.0079771° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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