Holy Intercession Church, Romashky



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General information about Holy Intercession Church (Romashky)

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Romashky is one of the largest and grandest provincial Orthodox churches in Ukraine.

This huge three-seated church was built in 1843 at the expense of landlady Trofimova. Two altars are dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Anthoniy of Pechersk.

Late classicism, emphasized by the size of the building and bell towers, which are rare for Orthodox churches in the Dnipro region, puts the Romashky Church in the same line as the most outstanding architectural monuments of Ukraine. This was recognized even by the Soviet authorities, who not only preserved the church, but also restored it after the destruction during the Second World War.

The Church of the Intercession in Romashky is an architectural ...

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Romashky is one of the largest and grandest provincial Orthodox churches in Ukraine.

This huge three-seated church was built in 1843 at the expense of landlady Trofimova. Two altars are dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Anthoniy of Pechersk.

Late classicism, emphasized by the size of the building and bell towers, which are rare for Orthodox churches in the Dnipro region, puts the Romashky Church in the same line as the most outstanding architectural monuments of Ukraine. This was recognized even by the Soviet authorities, who not only preserved the church, but also restored it after the destruction during the Second World War.

The Church of the Intercession in Romashky is an architectural monument of national importance.

Церква Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці у Ромашках - один із найбільших та найвеличніших провінційних православних храмів України.

Цю величезну трипрестольну церкву звели в 1843 році коштом поміщиці Трофимової. Два вівтарі присвячені Святому Миколаю Чудотворцю та Святому Антонію Печерському.

Пізній класицизм, підкреслений розмірами будівлі та рідкісними для православних храмів Наддніпрянщини вежами-дзвіницями, ставить Ромашківську церкву в один ряд із найвидатнішими пам'ятками архітектури України. Це визнавала навіть радянська влада, яка не лише зберегла церкву, а й відновила її після руйнувань під час Другої світової війни.

Покровська церква у Ромашках є пам'яткою архітектури національного значення.

Practical information about Holy Intercession Church (Romashky)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1843
Address Shkilna Street, 1A


Coordinates 49.730749° N, 30.594603° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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