Sculptor Kostyantyn Levchenko House, Stryi


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General information about Sculptor Kostyantyn Levchenko House (Stryi)

The corner one-story building at the intersection of Mykola Mikhnovsky Street and Mykola Hohol Street in Stryi differs from the surrounding typical buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries with bas-reliefs and sculptures on the facades.

Since 1952, the sculptor Kostyantyn Levchenko, the author of more than a hundred sculptures, has lived here, some of which are exhibited in museums in Canada, France, the Czech Republic, Romania and Ukraine, in particular in the Stryi Museum of Local Lore "Verkhovyna".

Levchenko's house houses 12 of his sculptures, including "Jesus Christ", "Donechka", "Taras Shevchenko", "John Paul II", "Mykola Hohol&quo ...

The corner one-story building at the intersection of Mykola Mikhnovsky Street and Mykola Hohol Street in Stryi differs from the surrounding typical buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries with bas-reliefs and sculptures on the facades.

Since 1952, the sculptor Kostyantyn Levchenko, the author of more than a hundred sculptures, has lived here, some of which are exhibited in museums in Canada, France, the Czech Republic, Romania and Ukraine, in particular in the Stryi Museum of Local Lore "Verkhovyna".

Levchenko's house houses 12 of his sculptures, including "Jesus Christ", "Donechka", "Taras Shevchenko", "John Paul II", "Mykola Hohol", "Mother of God", "Sich Riflemen" and others.

Кутовий одноповерховий будинок на перехресті вулиці Миколи Міхновського та вулиці Миколи Гоголя у Стрию відрізняється від навколишньої типової забудови кінця ХІХ століття - початку XX століття барельєфами та скульптурами на фасадах.

З 1952 року тут мешкає скульптор Костянтин Левченко, автор понад ста скульптур, деякі з яких виставлені у музеях Канади, Франції, Чехії, Румунії та України, зокрема у Стрийському краєзнавчому музеї "Верховина".

На будинку Левченка розміщено 12 його скульптур, серед яких "Ісус Христос", "Донечка", "Тарас Шевченко", "Іоан Павло II", "Микола Гоголь", "Матерь Божа", "Січові стрільці" та інші.

Practical information about Sculptor Kostyantyn Levchenko House (Stryi)

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Categories Architecture
Date of foundation XIX century
Address Mykoly Mikhnovskoho Street, 10


Coordinates 49.2543471° N, 23.8530717° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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