Annunciation of Holy Virgin Church, Horodok



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General information about Annunciation of Holy Virgin Church (Horodok)

The Church of the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin in Horodok was built in 1633 on the site of a wooden church that was moved here in 1547 from the suburbs.

In 1869, the perimeter walls were strengthened with an inclined stone plinth, and powerful buttresses were installed on the northern side. In the 1880s, wooden baths were replaced by stone ones. Later, a chapel was added to the northern wall. In the 1950s, an iconostasis was built in the church.

The Church of the Annunciation got its modern appearance as a result of numerous reconstructions. The last restoration was carried out in 1938.

As an architectural monument, the Church of the Annunciation in Horodok is an excellent example of Renaissance architecture in Ukraine.

Belongs to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic ...

The Church of the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin in Horodok was built in 1633 on the site of a wooden church that was moved here in 1547 from the suburbs.

In 1869, the perimeter walls were strengthened with an inclined stone plinth, and powerful buttresses were installed on the northern side. In the 1880s, wooden baths were replaced by stone ones. Later, a chapel was added to the northern wall. In the 1950s, an iconostasis was built in the church.

The Church of the Annunciation got its modern appearance as a result of numerous reconstructions. The last restoration was carried out in 1938.

As an architectural monument, the Church of the Annunciation in Horodok is an excellent example of Renaissance architecture in Ukraine.

Belongs to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Церква Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці у Городку збудована в 1633 році на місці, де раніше стояв дерев'яний храм, перенесений сюди у 1547 році з передмістя.

У 1869 році стіни по периметру укріпили похилим кам'яним цоколем, а з північного боку влаштували потужні контрфорси. У 1880-х роках дерев'яні бані були замінені кам'яними. Пізніше до північної стіни прибудували каплицю. У 1950-х роках у храмі було споруджено іконостас.

Сучасний вигляд Благовіщенська церква отримала в результаті численних перебудов. Останню реставрацію здійснили в 1938 році.

Як пам'ятка архітектури, Благовіщенська церква у Городку є чудовим зразком ренесансної архітектури в Україні.

Належить до Української греко-католицької церкви.

Practical information about Annunciation of Holy Virgin Church (Horodok)

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Categories Architecture, Temple
Date of foundation 1633
Address Mykhayla Kotsyubynskoho Street, 5


Coordinates 49.786013° N, 23.6460947° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +38 097 001 6003,
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