Holy Trinity Church, Shchyrets



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General information about Holy Trinity Church (Shchyrets)

The Church of the Holy Trinity in Shchyrets was founded in the 16th century. In the first half of the 19th century, it was rebuilt and acquired a modern appearance.

Composed of limestone, single-nave. The western facade is finished with a high pincer, decorated on the sides with decorative vases. Covered with a pitched roof, finished in the center with a signature. The undivided surfaces of the walls are enlivened by sparsely spaced semicircular window and door openings.

In Soviet times, the museum of atheism was located here.

The Trinity Church belongs to the few works of the Galician school of architecture of the 16th century.

The belfry is wooden, square in plan, three-tiered, frame construction, finished with a tent. It rests on a stone fence made of limeston ...

The Church of the Holy Trinity in Shchyrets was founded in the 16th century. In the first half of the 19th century, it was rebuilt and acquired a modern appearance.

Composed of limestone, single-nave. The western facade is finished with a high pincer, decorated on the sides with decorative vases. Covered with a pitched roof, finished in the center with a signature. The undivided surfaces of the walls are enlivened by sparsely spaced semicircular window and door openings.

In Soviet times, the museum of atheism was located here.

The Trinity Church belongs to the few works of the Galician school of architecture of the 16th century.

The belfry is wooden, square in plan, three-tiered, frame construction, finished with a tent. It rests on a stone fence made of limestone from the south and east.

Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Щирці заснована в XVI сторіччі. У першій половині ХІХ століття перебудована та набула сучасного вигляду.

Складена з вапняку, однонефна. Західний фасад завершено високим щипцем, прикрашеним з боків декоративними вазами. Покрита скатним дахом, завершеним у центрі сигнатуркою. Нерозчленовані поверхні стін пожвавлені рідко розставленими напівциркульними віконними і дверними отворами.

За радянських часів тут розташовувався музей атеїзму.

Троїцька церква належить до нечисленних творів галицької школи архітектури XVI сторіччя.

Дзвіниця дерев'яна, квадратна в плані, триярусна, каркасної конструкції, завершена наметом. З півдня та сходу спирається на кам'яну огорожу з вапняку.

Practical information about Holy Trinity Church (Shchyrets)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation XVI century
Address Petra Adermakha Street, 1


Coordinates 49.6483122° N, 23.8571125° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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