Holy Transfiguration Church, Nova Vodolaha



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General information about Holy Transfiguration Church (Nova Vodolaha)

The Holy Transfiguration Church in Nova Vodolaha was founded in 1821 on the site of an old wooden church that had existed since 1750. In 1830, thanks to the efforts of the parishioners, the construction was completed, and the next year the church was consecrated.

The Transfiguration Church is an example of post-classicism in architecture. It is surrounded by a massive stone fence with stylized towers and iron gates, which emphasizes the completeness of the structure and makes it look like a fortress.

In the 1920s, the Bolsheviks closed the temple and removed all objects made of gold, silver and ivory. Divine service resumed in 1943. There are many icons in the church, there are paintings by old masters of Nova Vodolaha, in particular the icon painter Borysenko. The most reve ...

The Holy Transfiguration Church in Nova Vodolaha was founded in 1821 on the site of an old wooden church that had existed since 1750. In 1830, thanks to the efforts of the parishioners, the construction was completed, and the next year the church was consecrated.

The Transfiguration Church is an example of post-classicism in architecture. It is surrounded by a massive stone fence with stylized towers and iron gates, which emphasizes the completeness of the structure and makes it look like a fortress.

In the 1920s, the Bolsheviks closed the temple and removed all objects made of gold, silver and ivory. Divine service resumed in 1943. There are many icons in the church, there are paintings by old masters of Nova Vodolaha, in particular the icon painter Borysenko. The most revered icon of Saint Ioasaf of Belhorod.

Свято-Преображенська церква у Новій Водолазі була закладена у 1821 році на місці старого дерев'яного храму, що існував з 1750 року. У 1830 році стараннями парафіян будівництво було завершено, і наступного року церкву освятили.

Преображенський храм – зразок посткласицизму в архітектурі. Його оточує масивна кам'яна огорожа зі стилізованими баштами та залізними воротами, що підкреслює завершеність будови і робить її схожою на фортецю.

У 1920-х роках більшовики закрили храм і вилучили всі предмети із золота, срібла та слонової кістки. Богослужіння відновилося в 1943 році. У храмі багато ікон, є розписи давніх майстрів Нової Водолаги, зокрема іконописця Борисенка. Найбільш шанована ікони святителя Іоасафа Білгородського.

Practical information about Holy Transfiguration Church (Nova Vodolaha)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1821-1831
Address Kooperatyvna Square, 11

Nova Vodolaha

Coordinates 49.7178514° N, 35.8582293° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 57 404 2628,
Official site http://www.eparchia.kharkov.ua... External link icon
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