Savior and Transfiguration Church, Neshcheriv



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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Savior and Transfiguration Church (Neshcheriv)

The Church of the Transfiguration in Neshcheriv was built in 1794 by the landowner Ivan Hudyma-Levkovych, a descendant of the Cossack elders of the Hudyma and Levkovych families.

The Church of the Transfiguration, which is shaped like a ship, is a model of architecture of the transitional period from Ukrainian Baroque to classicism. In the western corner of the temple there is a belfry with wooden shutters built into the building itself. In the basement of the church there is a crypt, the mysterious corridors of which have long given rise to legends about underground passages leading many kilometers from Neshcheriv.

In 2004, a hermitage of the Ionian Men's Monastery was opened at the Transfiguration Church. On its territory you can see an ancient Cossack cross. The churc ...

The Church of the Transfiguration in Neshcheriv was built in 1794 by the landowner Ivan Hudyma-Levkovych, a descendant of the Cossack elders of the Hudyma and Levkovych families.

The Church of the Transfiguration, which is shaped like a ship, is a model of architecture of the transitional period from Ukrainian Baroque to classicism. In the western corner of the temple there is a belfry with wooden shutters built into the building itself. In the basement of the church there is a crypt, the mysterious corridors of which have long given rise to legends about underground passages leading many kilometers from Neshcheriv.

In 2004, a hermitage of the Ionian Men's Monastery was opened at the Transfiguration Church. On its territory you can see an ancient Cossack cross. The church is well restored.

Спасо-Преображенська церква в Нещерові збудована в 1794 році поміщиком Іваном Гудимою-Левковичем, нащадком козацько-старшинських родів Гудим та Левковичів.

Преображенський храм, який формою нагадує корабель, є взірцем архітектури перехідного періоду від українського бароко до класицизму. У західному кутку храму розташована дзвіниця з дерев'яними віконницями, вбудована в саму будівлю. У підвалі церкви знаходиться склеп, загадкові коридори якого здавна породжували легенди про підземні ходи, що ведуть за багато кілометрів від Нещерова.

У 2004 році при Спасо-Преображенській церкві було відкрито скит Іонінського чоловічого монастиря. На його території можна побачити старовинний козацький хрест. Церква добре відреставрована.

Practical information about Savior and Transfiguration Church (Neshcheriv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1794
Address Puhachova Street, 26


Coordinates 50.1510659° N, 30.623173° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 44 593 8610,
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