Holy Ascension Church, Radkivka



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General information about Holy Ascension Church (Radkivka)

The Holy Ascension Church in Radkivka was built on the territory of the manor at the expense of Fedir Rakovych, a collegiate assessor.

According to some sources, the author of the project is a self-taught master Maystrenko. The temple in the style of classicism. The central four is crowned by a large dome with a hollow lantern. Interior decor is partially preserved. From the north, the temple is connected to the warm church of Oleksandr Nevsky, built in 1849, which is almost completely destroyed.

In 2009, the Holy Ascension Men's Monastery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was opened near the church, which is assisted by the Separate Pryluky Cossack Regiment named after Petro Sahaidachny.

The church is located on the eastern edge of the village in the middle of an ...

The Holy Ascension Church in Radkivka was built on the territory of the manor at the expense of Fedir Rakovych, a collegiate assessor.

According to some sources, the author of the project is a self-taught master Maystrenko. The temple in the style of classicism. The central four is crowned by a large dome with a hollow lantern. Interior decor is partially preserved. From the north, the temple is connected to the warm church of Oleksandr Nevsky, built in 1849, which is almost completely destroyed.

In 2009, the Holy Ascension Men's Monastery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was opened near the church, which is assisted by the Separate Pryluky Cossack Regiment named after Petro Sahaidachny.

The church is located on the eastern edge of the village in the middle of an ancient park.

The granite tombstone of the landowner Rakovych has been preserved.

Свято-Вознесенська церква в Радьківці збудована на території садиби та коштом колезького асесора Федіра Раковича.

За деякими даними, автор проєкту – майстер-самоучка Майстренко. Храм у стилі класицизму. Центральний четверик увінчаний великим куполом із глухим ліхтариком. Частково зберігся декор інтер'єру. З півночі храм з'єднаний із теплою церквою Олександра Невського, збудованою у 1849 році, яка майже повністю зруйнована.

У 2009 році при храмі відкрили Свято-Вознесенський чоловічий монастир Православної церкви України, якому допомагає Окремий Прилуцький козацький полк імені Петра Сагайдачного.

Церква знаходиться на східній околиці села посеред старовинного парку.

Збереглася гранітна надгробна плита поміщиці Ракович.

Practical information about Holy Ascension Church (Radkivka)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1795-1805
Address Voznesenskyi Lane


Coordinates 50.7075211° N, 32.2654064° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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