Mykola Myklukho-Maklay Monument, Malyn


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General information about Mykola Myklukho-Maklay Monument (Malyn)

The only monument in Ukraine to the scientist and traveler Mykola Myklukho-Maklay was erected in Malyn, where his mother's estate was and where he himself lived for some time.

A descendant of an ancient Cossack family, Myklukho-Maklay is known in the world as an outstanding ethnographer, researcher of the peoples of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. He spent many years traveling the world, but at the end of his life he returned to Malyn - he studied the life and traditions of the Polischuks here, and was interested in the origin of the Drevlyans.

Monuments to the scientist were also erected in Australia, New Guinea and Russia.

The monument in the center of Malyn was opened in 1986 in honor of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Myklukho-Ma ...

The only monument in Ukraine to the scientist and traveler Mykola Myklukho-Maklay was erected in Malyn, where his mother's estate was and where he himself lived for some time.

A descendant of an ancient Cossack family, Myklukho-Maklay is known in the world as an outstanding ethnographer, researcher of the peoples of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. He spent many years traveling the world, but at the end of his life he returned to Malyn - he studied the life and traditions of the Polischuks here, and was interested in the origin of the Drevlyans.

Monuments to the scientist were also erected in Australia, New Guinea and Russia.

The monument in the center of Malyn was opened in 1986 in honor of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Myklukho-Maklay. The author of the monument is the sculptor Petro Stepakov.

Єдиний в Україні пам'ятник вченому та мандрівнику Миколі Миклухо-Маклаю встановлений у Малині, де був маєток його матері і якийсь час жив він сам.

Виходець із старовинного козацького роду, Миклухо-Маклай відомий у світі як видатний етнограф, дослідник народів Південно-Східної Азії, Австралії та Океанії. Багато років він провів у мандрівках світом, проте наприкінці життя повернувся до Малина - вивчав тут побут і традиції поліщуків, цікавився походженням древлян.

Пам'ятники вченому також встановлені в Австралії, Новій Гвінеї та росії.

Монумент в центрі Малина було відкрито в 1986 році на честь святкування 140-річчя від дня народження Миклухо-Маклая. Автор пам'ятника – скульптор Петро Степаков.

Practical information about Mykola Myklukho-Maklay Monument (Malyn)

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Categories Monument
Date of foundation 1986
Address Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street


Coordinates 50.7692994° N, 29.2427593° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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