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Attractions Odesa
Holy Assumption Monastery
The Holy Assumption Monastery is the most famous abode in Odesa, founded by Metropolitan Havryil.
Since 1946, the summer residence of the Moscow Patriarchs was located here, the monastery was named Patriarchy, and the Odesa Theological Seminary was transferred here. The building of the patriarchal residence has been preserved on the territory.
The first stone temple was built in 1825 on the site of a wooden one (it was later destroyed by the Bolsheviks). In 1834, a second monastery church with a bell tower was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving Source" (now Uspensky) with the funds donated to the temple by the Odesa merchant Dariya Kharlambu.
Currently, the Holy Assumption Monastery houses the miraculous icon of the Mother of God &qu ...
The Holy Assumption Monastery is the most famous abode in Odesa, founded by Metropolitan Havryil.
Since 1946, the summer residence of the Moscow Patriarchs was located here, the monastery was named Patriarchy, and the Odesa Theological Seminary was transferred here. The building of the patriarchal residence has been preserved on the territory.
The first stone temple was built in 1825 on the site of a wooden one (it was later destroyed by the Bolsheviks). In 1834, a second monastery church with a bell tower was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving Source" (now Uspensky) with the funds donated to the temple by the Odesa merchant Dariya Kharlambu.
Currently, the Holy Assumption Monastery houses the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Milkmaid", painted by Athos monks in the 17th century.
Свято-Успенський монастир - найвідоміша обитель Одеси, заснована митрополитом Гавриїлом.
З 1946 року тут розміщувалася літня резиденція московських патріархів, монастир отримав назву Патріаршого, сюди перевели Одеську духовну семінарію. На території збереглася будівля патріаршої резиденції.
Перший кам'яний храм був збудований у 1825 році на місці дерев'яного (згодом був знищений більшовиками). В 1834 році на кошти, які пожертвувала храму одеська купчиха Дар'я Харламбу, було збудовано другий монастирський храм із дзвіницею на честь ікони Божої Матері "Живоносне Джерело" (нині - Успенський).
Нині в Свято-Успенському монастирі зберігається чудотворна ікона Божої Матері "Млєкопітатєльниця", написана афонськими ченцями в XVII сторіччі.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1824 year |
Address |
Mayachny lane, 6
Odesa |
Coordinates |
46.378478° N, 30.744794° E
Phone | +380 48 746 3039, | | |
Official site |
https://uspen-odessa-mon.churc... | |
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