Saint Michael's Church, Pylypivka



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General information about Saint Michael's Church (Pylypivka)

Saint Michael's Church was built in the village of Pylypivka in 1843 on the site of a burned down wooden church founded in 1784.

For help in the construction of a new stone church, the residents of Pylypivka turned to Countess Oleksandra Branytska, maid of honor of Catherine II, niece of Prince Hrihoriy Potomkin, founder of the Oleksandriya Arboretum in Bila Tserkva. Countess Branytska allocated funds for construction, as she promised to build 12 churches on her lands. Saint Michael's Church was built for 9 years and the countess did not live to see it consecrated.

During the Soviet era, the temple was closed, but now it is active again.

Paintings of Mykhaylo Vrubel's students have been pre ...

Saint Michael's Church was built in the village of Pylypivka in 1843 on the site of a burned down wooden church founded in 1784.

For help in the construction of a new stone church, the residents of Pylypivka turned to Countess Oleksandra Branytska, maid of honor of Catherine II, niece of Prince Hrihoriy Potomkin, founder of the Oleksandriya Arboretum in Bila Tserkva. Countess Branytska allocated funds for construction, as she promised to build 12 churches on her lands. Saint Michael's Church was built for 9 years and the countess did not live to see it consecrated.

During the Soviet era, the temple was closed, but now it is active again.

Paintings of Mykhaylo Vrubel's students have been preserved in the interiors.

Михайлівська церква побудована в селі Пилипівка в 1843 році на місці згорілого дерев'яного храму, заснованого в 1784 році.

За допомогою в будівництві нового кам'яного храму жителі Пилипівки звернулися до графини Олександри Браницької, фрейліни Катерини II, племінниці князя Григорія Потьомкіна, засновниці парку "Олександрія" в Білій Церкві. Графиня Браницька виділила кошти на будівництво, оскільки дала обітницю збудувати на своїх землях 12 храмів. Михайлівська церква будувалася 9 років і до освячення графиня не дожила.

За радянських часів храм було закрито, але зараз він знову чинний.

В інтер'єрах зберігся живопис учнів Михайла Врубеля.

Practical information about Saint Michael's Church (Pylypivka)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1836-1843
Address Lisna Street


Coordinates 49.995481° N, 29.918161° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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