Uniate Consistory, Radomyshl


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General information about Uniate Consistory (Radomyshl)

The complex of buildings of the Uniate consistory was built in Radomyshl after the metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Atanasiy Sheptytskyi, chose the city as the metropolitan residence and the administrative center of the Kyiv diocese in 1746.

Governing, administrative and judicial bodies were located here, a theological seminary operated, church meetings and synods were held, and hundreds of delegations from all dioceses gathered here. The consistory operated until 1795.

The Metropolitan Chambers have been preserved to this day in a rebuilt form - since Soviet times, it has housed the comprehensive school No. 5. The Radomyshl Tower, built in the 19th century as a water tower, rises in the school yard, which is now considered an informal symbol of the city. ...

The complex of buildings of the Uniate consistory was built in Radomyshl after the metropolitan of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Atanasiy Sheptytskyi, chose the city as the metropolitan residence and the administrative center of the Kyiv diocese in 1746.

Governing, administrative and judicial bodies were located here, a theological seminary operated, church meetings and synods were held, and hundreds of delegations from all dioceses gathered here. The consistory operated until 1795.

The Metropolitan Chambers have been preserved to this day in a rebuilt form - since Soviet times, it has housed the comprehensive school No. 5. The Radomyshl Tower, built in the 19th century as a water tower, rises in the school yard, which is now considered an informal symbol of the city.

Комплекс будівель уніатської консисторії був збудований у Радомишлі після того, як у 1746 році митрополит Української греко-католицької церкви Атанасій Шептицький обрав місто митрополитською резиденцією, адміністративним центром Київської єпархії.

Тут розміщувалися керівні, адміністративні та судові органи, діяла духовна семінарія, проводилися церковні збори та синоди, на які з'їжджалися сотні делегацій із усіх єпархій. Консисторія діяла до 1795 року.

Митрополитські палати збереглися донині у перебудованому вигляді - з радянських часів тут розміщується загальноосвітня школа №5. У дворі школи височить Радомишльська вежа, збудована в XIX столітті як водонапірна вежа, що тепер вважається неформальним символом міста.

Practical information about Uniate Consistory (Radomyshl)

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Categories Architecture
Date of foundation 1746
Address Przysutstvenna Street, 6


Coordinates 50.503277° N, 29.241054° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4132 44 207,
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