Holy Spirit Church, Potelych



UNESCO world heritage site

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Holy Spirit Church (Potelych)

The unique Church of the Sending of the Holy Spirit in Potelych is one of the oldest wooden churches in Ukraine. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the category "Wooden Churches of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine".

The Church of the Holy Spirit was built in Potelych in 1502 by local potters on the site of an even older church of Saints Borys and Hlib. The church is three-log, two-headed, with a canopy on the crowns and brackets. The central log house is covered with a tent top with one fold, the eastern one with an octagonal top with a lantern and a top, the babinets is covered with a pitched roof. The west and south doors are decorated with wrought iron hinges of artistic work. Wrought window bars were made during the renovation in 1736.

The interior f ...

The unique Church of the Sending of the Holy Spirit in Potelych is one of the oldest wooden churches in Ukraine. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the category "Wooden Churches of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine".

The Church of the Holy Spirit was built in Potelych in 1502 by local potters on the site of an even older church of Saints Borys and Hlib. The church is three-log, two-headed, with a canopy on the crowns and brackets. The central log house is covered with a tent top with one fold, the eastern one with an octagonal top with a lantern and a top, the babinets is covered with a pitched roof. The west and south doors are decorated with wrought iron hinges of artistic work. Wrought window bars were made during the renovation in 1736.

The interior features a monumental painting from the 1620s.

Унікальна церква Зіслання Святого Духа в Потеличі – один із найдавніших дерев'яних храмів України. Входить до списку Світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО у категорії "Дерев'яні церкви Карпатського регіону України".

Святодухівська церква збудована в Потеличі у 1502 році місцевими гончарами на місці ще давнішого храму святих Бориса та Гліба. Церква тризрубна, двоголова, з навісом на випусках вінців та кронштейнах. Центральний зруб перекритий шатровим верхом з одним заломом, східний - восьмигранним верхом із ліхтариком та верхівкою, бабинець накритий скатним дахом. Західні та південні двері прикрашені кованими петлями художньої роботи. Ковані ґрати вікон виконані під час ремонту в 1736 році.

В інтер'єрі - монументальний живопис 1620-х років.

Practical information about Holy Spirit Church (Potelych)

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Categories Temple, Architecture, UNESCO world heritage site
Date of foundation 1502


Coordinates 50.208635° N, 23.550796° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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