Gizhytsky Palace, Novoselytsia

Palace / manor


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General information about Gizhytsky Palace (Novoselytsia)

Novoselytsia Palace and Park is an architectural monument of national importance.

The palace in the style of romanticism with Gothic elements was built in 1820 by Ludovik Gizhytsky. The two-story house is built of English brick. Above the porch with a massive arched entrance is a balcony-terrace with a stone balustrade. The attic of the facade is decorated with two towers. Arrow windows are decorated with a stucco ornament imitating Gothic stone interweaving. Stucco molding has been preserved in the ceremonial halls.

The landscape park with an area of ​​200 hectares was formed on the basis of the existing forest. On the lawn in front of the palace there are century-old larch trees and pine trees, the diameter of whose trunks exceeds 1 meter.

Now the Novoselytsia Vocati ...

Novoselytsia Palace and Park is an architectural monument of national importance.

The palace in the style of romanticism with Gothic elements was built in 1820 by Ludovik Gizhytsky. The two-story house is built of English brick. Above the porch with a massive arched entrance is a balcony-terrace with a stone balustrade. The attic of the facade is decorated with two towers. Arrow windows are decorated with a stucco ornament imitating Gothic stone interweaving. Stucco molding has been preserved in the ceremonial halls.

The landscape park with an area of ​​200 hectares was formed on the basis of the existing forest. On the lawn in front of the palace there are century-old larch trees and pine trees, the diameter of whose trunks exceeds 1 meter.

Now the Novoselytsia Vocational Agrarian Lyceum is located in the Gizhytsky manor.

Новоселицький палац та парк – пам'ятка архітектури національного значення.

Палац у стилі романтизму з елементами готики збудував у 1820 році Людовік Гижицький. Двоповерховий будинок збудований з англійської цегли. Над ганком із масивним арковим під'їздом знаходиться балкон-тераса з кам'яною балюстрадою. Аттик фасаду прикрашають дві вежі. Стрілчасті вікна оформлені ліпним орнаментом, що імітує готичне кам'яне переплетення. У парадних залах збереглася ліпнина.

Пейзажний парк площею 200 гектарів сформовано на основі існуючого лісу. На галявині перед палацом ростуть столітні модрини та сосна, діаметр стовбурів яких перевищує 1 метр.

Зараз у садибі Гижицьких розміщується Новоселицький професійний аграрний ліцей.

Practical information about Gizhytsky Palace (Novoselytsia)

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Categories Palace / manor, Architecture
Date of foundation 1820
Address Studentska Street, 12


Coordinates 49.633215° N, 27.257316° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 67 588 5215 ,
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