Volodiyevsky Tower, Novosilka

Castle / fortress

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General information about Volodiyevsky Tower (Novosilka)

The castle in the village of Novosilka (old name Novosilka-Kostyukova) was built in the 16th century by representatives of the noble family of Kostyuk-Volodiyevsky (it is believed that someone from this family inspired Henryk Senkevych to create the image of Mr. Volodiyevsky).

The castle was quadrangular in plan, with four towers. It was located on top of a hill and was washed by the waters of the Khromava River on three sides. In 1672, the castle was destroyed during the Turkish invasion and has not been restored since then. It remained in ruins until the middle of the 19th century, after which it was dismantled for building materials for the construction of a church and a road.

Currently, only the ruins of one of the towers remain from the castle, which in some literary so ...

The castle in the village of Novosilka (old name Novosilka-Kostyukova) was built in the 16th century by representatives of the noble family of Kostyuk-Volodiyevsky (it is believed that someone from this family inspired Henryk Senkevych to create the image of Mr. Volodiyevsky).

The castle was quadrangular in plan, with four towers. It was located on top of a hill and was washed by the waters of the Khromava River on three sides. In 1672, the castle was destroyed during the Turkish invasion and has not been restored since then. It remained in ruins until the middle of the 19th century, after which it was dismantled for building materials for the construction of a church and a road.

Currently, only the ruins of one of the towers remain from the castle, which in some literary sources is called the Volodiyevsky Tower.

Замок у селі Новосілка (стара назва Новосілка-Костюкова) був побудований у XVI сторіччі представниками шляхетського роду Костюків-Володієвських (вважається, що хтось із цього роду надихнув Генрика Сенкевича на створення образу пана Володієвського).

Замок був чотирикутний у плані, з чотирма вежами. Розташовувався на вершині пагорба і з трьох боків омивався водами річки Хромава. В 1672 році замок був зруйнований під час турецького вторгнення і відтоді не відновлювався. У руїнах він зберігся до середини ХІХ століття, після чого був розібраний на будматеріали для спорудження церкви та дороги.

В даний час від замку залишилися лише руїни однієї з веж, яка в деяких літературних джерелах називається вежею Володієвського.

Practical information about Volodiyevsky Tower (Novosilka)

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Categories Castle / fortress
Date of foundation XVI century
Address Zamkova Street


Coordinates 48.71321° N, 25.925959° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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