Black Grave Mound, Chernihiv

Historic area

Archaeological site

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General information about Black Grave Mound (Chernihiv)

The "Black Grave" mound is located in the park near the Palace of Culture of the Builders.

According to legends, the legendary founder of Chernihiv, Prince Chorny (Black), was buried at this place.

According to an ancient legend, the prince's daughter threw herself out of the window of the princely tower in order not to become the wife of the Khazar Khagan, who surrounded the city.

In 1872-1873, archaeologist Dmytro Samokvasov excavated the burial mound, discovering a 10th-century burial with a rich treasure of weapons: two helmets, chain mail, two swords, a saber, more than ten spears, arrowheads, an axe, stirrups, and clubs. 2 gold Byzantine coins from the time of Basil I of Macedonia allowed us to date the burial.

A memorial obelisk has been inst ...

The "Black Grave" mound is located in the park near the Palace of Culture of the Builders.

According to legends, the legendary founder of Chernihiv, Prince Chorny (Black), was buried at this place.

According to an ancient legend, the prince's daughter threw herself out of the window of the princely tower in order not to become the wife of the Khazar Khagan, who surrounded the city.

In 1872-1873, archaeologist Dmytro Samokvasov excavated the burial mound, discovering a 10th-century burial with a rich treasure of weapons: two helmets, chain mail, two swords, a saber, more than ten spears, arrowheads, an axe, stirrups, and clubs. 2 gold Byzantine coins from the time of Basil I of Macedonia allowed us to date the burial.

A memorial obelisk has been installed on the "Black Grave" mound.

Курган "Чорна могила" знаходиться у сквері біля Палацу Культури Будівельників.

Згідно з переказами, на цьому місці було поховано легендарного засновника Чернігова князя Чорного.

За старовинною легендою, донька князя викинулася з вікна княжого терему, щоб не стати дружиною хозарського кагану, який оточив місто.

В 1872-1873 роках археолог Дмитро Самоквасов розкопав курган, виявивши поховання X сторіччя з багатим скарбом зброї: два шоломи, кольчуги, два мечі, шабля, більше десяти копій, наконечники стріл, сокира, стремена, удила. Датувати поховання дозволили 2 золоті візантійські монети часів Василя І Македонянина.

На кургані "Чорна могила" встановлено пам'ятний обеліск.

Practical information about Black Grave Mound (Chernihiv)

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Categories Historic area, Archaeological site
Date of foundation X century
Address Knyazya Chornoho Street, 4


Coordinates 51.4875° N, 31.29416667° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 462 645 964, +380 462 647 145, +380 93 036 9821, +380 98 701 6641,
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