Koziatyn Railway Station, Koziatyn


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General information about Koziatyn Railway Station (Koziatyn)

The railway station is the business card of the city of Koziatyn. It was built in 1888-1889 according to the project of the architect Valeryan Kulykovsky under the supervision of the Ukrainian architect Oleksandr Kobelyev. It was considered one of the best railway stations in the Russian Empire.

The station building in the form of a white steamer is located on an island, which is "washed" by the rails on both sides.

The interior of the restaurant is especially beautiful with a magnificent multi-tiered crystal chandelier on a frame made of bronze leaves.

Tsar Nicholas II, leader of the Ukrainian People's Republic Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi, poet Mayakovsky, as well as Soviet leaders Khrushchev and Brezhnev visited the Koziatyn railway ...

The railway station is the business card of the city of Koziatyn. It was built in 1888-1889 according to the project of the architect Valeryan Kulykovsky under the supervision of the Ukrainian architect Oleksandr Kobelyev. It was considered one of the best railway stations in the Russian Empire.

The station building in the form of a white steamer is located on an island, which is "washed" by the rails on both sides.

The interior of the restaurant is especially beautiful with a magnificent multi-tiered crystal chandelier on a frame made of bronze leaves.

Tsar Nicholas II, leader of the Ukrainian People's Republic Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi, poet Mayakovsky, as well as Soviet leaders Khrushchev and Brezhnev visited the Koziatyn railway station.

Залізничний вокзал - візитівка міста Козятин. Побудований у 1888-1889 роках за проєктом архітектора Валер'яна Куликовського під керівництвом українського архітектора Олександра Кобелєва. Вважався одним із найкращих вокзалів у російській імперії.

Будівля вокзалу у вигляді білого пароплава розташована островом, який з обох боків "омивають" рейкові колії.

Особливо гарний інтер'єр ресторану з величною багатоярусною кришталевою люстрою на каркасі із бронзових листочків.

На Козятинському вокзалі бували цар Микола II, лідер Української Народної Республіки Михайло Грушевський, гетьман Павло Скоропадський, поет Маяковський, а також радянські керівники  Хрущов та Брежнєв.

Practical information about Koziatyn Railway Station (Koziatyn)

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Categories Architecture
Date of foundation 1888-1889
Address Pryvokzalna Street, 1


Coordinates 49.705614° N, 28.830126° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4342 52 111, +380 4342 27 892,
Official site http://www.swrailway.gov.ua/ External link icon
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