Attractions of Ukraine
Attractions region
Attractions Khmelnytskyi region
Attractions Kamyanets-Podilskyi district
Attractions Braha
Zhebrovsky Chapel-Mausoleum
The chapel-mausoleum of the Zhebrovsky family is located in the old Polish cemetery of the village of Braha.
A small neo-Gothic church was built in 1905. Three representatives of the Zhebrovsky family are buried in the chapel.
Каплиця-мавзолей роду Жебровських розташована на старому польському цвинтарі села Брага.
Невеликий костел у стилі неоготики збудовано в 1905 році. У каплиці поховано трьох представників родини Жебровських.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1905 |
Address |
Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street
Braha |
Coordinates |
48.532365° N, 26.504297° E
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