Three Saints Church, Dnipro



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General information about Three Saints Church (Dnipro)

The Three Saints Church is one of the oldest churches of the Dnipro.

The blue dome of its belfry with golden stars symbolizing the sky and the central golden dome are today lost among the high-rise buildings of the urban development of the Amur-Nizhnyodniprovsky district on the left bank of the Dnipro. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was a large settlement at a wagon repair plant. In 1900, they began to build a church on the land belonging to the enterprise. In 1902, the church was solemnly consecrated in honor of three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom.

The author of the project of the Three Saints Church is unknown. In plan, the temple has the shape of a regular cross. It is crowned by a dome and a traditional cross acquired at t ...

The Three Saints Church is one of the oldest churches of the Dnipro.

The blue dome of its belfry with golden stars symbolizing the sky and the central golden dome are today lost among the high-rise buildings of the urban development of the Amur-Nizhnyodniprovsky district on the left bank of the Dnipro. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was a large settlement at a wagon repair plant. In 1900, they began to build a church on the land belonging to the enterprise. In 1902, the church was solemnly consecrated in honor of three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom.

The author of the project of the Three Saints Church is unknown. In plan, the temple has the shape of a regular cross. It is crowned by a dome and a traditional cross acquired at that time.

Свято-Трьохсвятительська церква - один із найдавніших храмів Дніпра.

Блакитний купол його дзвіниці із золотими зірками, що символізують небо, і центральний золотий купол сьогодні губляться серед висотних будівель міської забудови Амур-Нижньодніпровського району на лівому березі Дніпра. На початку XX століття це було велике поселення при вагоноремонтному заводі. На землі, що належала підприємству, в 1900 році почали будувати церкву. В 1902 році храм був урочисто освячений на честь трьох святителів: Василя Великого, Григорія Богослова, Іоанна Златоуста.

Автор проєкту Трьохсвятительської церкви невідомий. У плані храм має форму правильного хреста. Його вінчає купол і традиційний на той час надбаний хрест.

Practical information about Three Saints Church (Dnipro)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1902
Address Yurydychna Street, 1


Coordinates 48.5065° N, 35.068° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 562 270 607,
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