The church of Reverend Seraphim of Sarovsky was built in the country village of Puscha-Vodytsia near Kyiv in 1910 on the donation of country owners, among whom there were many wealthy Kyivans.
The architect Ipolyt Nikolayev designed the church in Neo-Renaissance forms, similar to the Oleksandr-Nevsky Church in Kyiv on Lypki.
The Seraphim Church was closed by the Soviet authorities in the 1930s and reopened in 1943, after which services were not interrupted. After the Second World War, the iconostasis was restored and reconstructed. Restoration was carried out in 2000-2003.
According to legend, the banker Volodymyr Kozakevych, who made the biggest contribution to the construction of the church, is buried in the chapel in the church yard.
There is a holy spring on ...
The church of Reverend Seraphim of Sarovsky was built in the country village of Puscha-Vodytsia near Kyiv in 1910 on the donation of country owners, among whom there were many wealthy Kyivans.
The architect Ipolyt Nikolayev designed the church in Neo-Renaissance forms, similar to the Oleksandr-Nevsky Church in Kyiv on Lypki.
The Seraphim Church was closed by the Soviet authorities in the 1930s and reopened in 1943, after which services were not interrupted. After the Second World War, the iconostasis was restored and reconstructed. Restoration was carried out in 2000-2003.
According to legend, the banker Volodymyr Kozakevych, who made the biggest contribution to the construction of the church, is buried in the chapel in the church yard.
There is a holy spring on the territory.
Церква преподобного Серафима Саровського збудована у дачному селищі Пуща-Водиця під Києвом у 1910 році на пожертвування дачевласників, серед яких було чимало заможних киян.
Архітектор Іполит Ніколаєв спроєктував храм у формах неоренесансу на кшталт існуючої у Києві на Липках Олександро-Невської церкви.
Серафимівська церква була закрита радянською владою в 1930-тих роках і знову відкрита в 1943 році, після чого богослужіння не переривалися. Після Другої світової війни іконостас було відновлено та реконструйовано. У 2000-2003 роках проведено реставрацію.
За переказами, у каплиці на церковному подвір'ї поховано банкіра Володимира Козакевича, який зробив найбільший внесок у будівництво церкви.
На території є святе джерело.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1910 |
Address |
Puscha-Vodytsia, Mykoly Yunkerova Street, 42
Kyiv |
Coordinates |
50.540702° N, 30.35207° E
Phone | , |
Official site | |
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