The spring "Hamarnia" is located on the right bank of the Ushytsia River. The mineral waters of the spring are rich in copper, iron and magnesium. Experts compare the quality of these waters with the properties of Naftusya.
For a long time, there is a legend about the spring of "Hamarnia", according to which a very wealthy family - a landowner with his sister - lived in this place many years ago. The girl possessed special knowledge and helped heal many people. Rumors about her gift and beauty spread throughout the surrounding lands. Contrary to the fact that many young people asked to marry her, the brother wanted to marry his sister himself, disregarding all the canons and the will of the girl herself. But this was not destined to happen. During the wedding, ...
The spring "Hamarnia" is located on the right bank of the Ushytsia River. The mineral waters of the spring are rich in copper, iron and magnesium. Experts compare the quality of these waters with the properties of Naftusya.
For a long time, there is a legend about the spring of "Hamarnia", according to which a very wealthy family - a landowner with his sister - lived in this place many years ago. The girl possessed special knowledge and helped heal many people. Rumors about her gift and beauty spread throughout the surrounding lands. Contrary to the fact that many young people asked to marry her, the brother wanted to marry his sister himself, disregarding all the canons and the will of the girl herself. But this was not destined to happen. During the wedding, the house fell into the ground, and a healing spring appeared in its place.
Джерело "Гамарня" розташоване на правому березі річки Ушиця. Мінеральні води джерела багаті міддю, залізом та магнієм. Фахівці порівнюють якості даних вод із властивостями "Нафтусі".
Тривалий час існує легенда про джерело "Гамарня", згідно з якою на цьому місці багато років тому жила дуже заможна родина - поміщик зі своєю сестрою. Дівчина володіла особливими знаннями та допомогла вилікуватися безлічі людей. Про її дар і красу ходили чутки по всіх навколишніх землях. Всупереч тому, що багато молодих людей просилися до неї в чоловіки, брат захотів сам одружитися з рідною сестрою, нехтуючи всіма канонами та волею самої дівчини. Але цьому не судилося статися. Під час весілля будинок провалився під землю, а на його місці виникло цілюще джерело.
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Categories | Natural object |
Address |
Hamarnia tract
Hamarnia |
Coordinates |
48.96872222° N, 27.11052778° E
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