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Taras Shevchenko Literary and Memorial House-Museum

Taras Shevchenko Literary and Memorial House-Museum, Kyiv

Museum / gallery

Palace / manor

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Taras Shevchenko Literary and Memorial House-Museum (Kyiv)

The Literary Memorial House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko sheds light on the Kyiv period of the poet's life.

It is located in the house of the official Ivan Zhytnytskyi, built in Kyiv in 1835 on the former Goat Swamp (now Maidan Nezalezhnosti). The poet lived here from the spring of 1846 until his arrest on April 5, 1847.

The Kobzar Museum was created in 1928, now it is a branch of the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. The fund collection consists of unique values: memorial items of Shevchenko, his etchings, autographs, photographs, the first works of the poet.

Mykhaylo Sazhyn's watercolors, unique engravings of Kyiv landscapes, ...

The Literary Memorial House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko sheds light on the Kyiv period of the poet's life.

It is located in the house of the official Ivan Zhytnytskyi, built in Kyiv in 1835 on the former Goat Swamp (now Maidan Nezalezhnosti). The poet lived here from the spring of 1846 until his arrest on April 5, 1847.

The Kobzar Museum was created in 1928, now it is a branch of the Taras Shevchenko National Museum. The fund collection consists of unique values: memorial items of Shevchenko, his etchings, autographs, photographs, the first works of the poet.

Mykhaylo Sazhyn's watercolors, unique engravings of Kyiv landscapes, 19th century photos, works of outstanding artists on the Shevchenko theme, works of decorative and applied art are presented.

According to the memories of contemporaries, the room in which Shevchenko lived has been recreated. Special attention is drawn to the poet's desk, where unique exhibits are presented: a pen, a quill, an inkwell, a coffee pot, Taras Shevchenko's flask, a pipe given to the poet by Mykola Kostomarov.

Літературно-меморіальний будинок-музей Тараса Шевченка висвітлює київський період життя поета.

Розміщений у будинку чиновника Івана Житницького, побудованому в Києві в 1835 році на колишньому Козячому болоті (тепер Майдан Незалежності). Тут квартирував поет з весни 1846 року до свого арешту – 5 квітня 1847 року.

Музей Кобзаря створено в 1928 році, зараз філія Національного музею Тараса Шевченка. Фондова колекція складається з унікальних цінностей: меморіальних речей Шевченка, його офортів, автографів, фотографій, перших творів поета.

Представлені акварелі Михайла Сажина, унікальні гравюри краєвидів Києва, фото ХІХ століття, роб ...

Літературно-меморіальний будинок-музей Тараса Шевченка висвітлює київський період життя поета.

Розміщений у будинку чиновника Івана Житницького, побудованому в Києві в 1835 році на колишньому Козячому болоті (тепер Майдан Незалежності). Тут квартирував поет з весни 1846 року до свого арешту – 5 квітня 1847 року.

Музей Кобзаря створено в 1928 році, зараз філія Національного музею Тараса Шевченка. Фондова колекція складається з унікальних цінностей: меморіальних речей Шевченка, його офортів, автографів, фотографій, перших творів поета.

Представлені акварелі Михайла Сажина, унікальні гравюри краєвидів Києва, фото ХІХ століття, роботи видатних художників на шевченківську тематику, твори декоративно-ужиткового мистецтва.

За спогадами сучасників відтворено кімнату, в якій жив Шевченко. Особливу увагу привертає робочий стіл поета, де представлені унікальні експонати: ручка, перо, чорнильниця, кавник, фляга Тараса Шевченка, люлька, подарована поету Миколою Костомаровим.

Practical information about Taras Shevchenko Literary and Memorial House-Museum (Kyiv)

Last update

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Categories Museum / gallery, Palace / manor
Date of foundation 1928
Hours of work 10:00-18:00, days off - Monday, Tuesday
Address Tarasa Shevchenko Lane, 8A


Coordinates 50.45106° N, 30.5203° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 44 278 3511,
Official site External link icon
Additional services
Cost adults - UAH 100, schoolchildren, students and pensioners - UAH 50; excursion - UAH 300
International Symbol of Access

Аccessibility information

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According to volunteers

- There is no parking for people with disabilities

- From the stop g / t to the entrance are signs:

- Distance from the public transport stop to the entrance to the building:
400 m

- Width and height of the "corridor" of the path from the public transport stop:
1 m, 6 m

- Coverage of the pedestrian path from the public transport stop:

- On the way from the stop g / t there are obstacles:

- Width of space in front of the entrance to the building:
1 m

- Information plate is placed at the height:
220 cm

- The entrance is arranged on the same level with the ground:

- The entrance is equipped with stairs (width, height, circle, material):
130 cm, 15 cm, 4items, дерево

- Stairs have:
handrails 100 cm

- The entrance is equipped with a ramp (width, length, angle):

- Dimensions of the area in front of the door (width, length):
No data available

- Door type:

- There is a threshold in the front door:
1 cm

- Aisle width:
110 cm

- Free space in front of the rack / window not less than 1.5 m * 1.5 m:

- Parameters of the rack or the lower edge of the window (height, width):
110 cm, 80 cm

- The rack is well lit:

- Installed induction loop:

- Assistive FM hearing aids available:

- Installed a mnemonic of the building:

- Available information about the museum's inclusiveness:

- Floor material:

- Width of free passage in corridors:
110 cm

- Passages with an inclination of more than 3 degrees:

- Minimum width of passages and doors:
135 cm

- Maximum threshold height:
2 cm

- Number of exhibition floors:

- Pointers to the main premises:

- Tactile navigation:

- Places to rest:

- Accessible place for swaddling the baby:

- Height of placement of exhibits:
75 cm

- Height of signatures to exhibits:
130 cm

- In front of the exhibits there is free space (width, length):
100*100 cm

- Videos are accompanied by subtitles:

- Provided tactile exhibits:

- Available audio guide:

- Premises are equipped with an induction loop:

- There are formats for different senses:

- The exposition includes stories, works of people with disabilities:

- There is no toilet for people with disabilities

- Admission for the accompanying person is free:

- Allowed entry with a guide dog:

- Support service available:

- The museum's website meets the requirements of web accessibility:

- The museum has its own corporate identity (identity):

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