Velyka Bahachka Museum of Local Lore, Velyka Bahachka

Museum / gallery

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Velyka Bahachka Museum of Local Lore (Velyka Bahachka)

Velyka Bahachka village museum of local lore is located in a one-story building in the center of Velyka Bahachka.

The exposition tells about the history of the region from ancient times to the present, in particular about the founding of the village in Cossack times and the participation of the Cossacks of the Bahachka Hundred in the wars of that time.

In front of the museum is a Soviet divisional cannon D-44 post-war production, and in the yard - a German cannon from the anti-tank self-propelled artillery Marder II.

Великобагачанський селищний краєзнавчий музей розташований в одноповерховому будинку в центрі Великої Багачки.

Експозиція розповідає про історію краю від найдавніших часів до сучасності, зокрема про заснування селища у козацькі часи та участь козаків Богачанської сотні у тогочасних війнах.

Перед музеєм встановлена радянська дивізійна гармата Д-44 післявоєнного виробництва, а на подвір'ї – німецька гармата від протитанкової самохідної артилерійської установки Marder II.

Practical information about Velyka Bahachka Museum of Local Lore (Velyka Bahachka)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Address Kashtanova Street, 15

Velyka Bahachka

Coordinates 49.79004° N, 33.72502° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 50 507 0655,
Email ,
Additional services
International Symbol of Access

Аccessibility information

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According to the institution

- There is no parking for people with disabilities

- From the stop g / t to the entrance are signs:

- Distance from the public transport stop to the entrance to the building:
No data available

- Width and height of the "corridor" of the path from the public transport stop:
No data available

- Coverage of the pedestrian path from the public transport stop:

- On the way from the stop g / t there are obstacles:

- Width of space in front of the entrance to the building:
No data available

- Information plate is placed at the height:

- The entrance is arranged on the same level with the ground:

- The entrance is equipped with stairs (width, height, circle, material):
200 cm, 30 cm, 6items, Бетон

- Stairs have:
No data available

- The entrance is equipped with a ramp (width, length, angle):

- Dimensions of the area in front of the door (width, length):
300 * 200 cm

- Door type:

- There is a threshold in the front door:
3 cm

- Aisle width:
120 cm

- Free space in front of the rack / window not less than 1.5 m * 1.5 m:

- Parameters of the rack or the lower edge of the window (height, width):
There is no rack

- The rack is well lit:

- Installed induction loop:

- Assistive FM hearing aids available:

- Installed a mnemonic of the building:

- Available information about the museum's inclusiveness:

- Floor material:

- Width of free passage in corridors:
200 cm

- Passages with an inclination of more than 3 degrees:

- Minimum width of passages and doors:
120 cm

- Maximum threshold height:
3 cm

- Number of exhibition floors:

- Pointers to the main premises:

- Tactile navigation:

- Places to rest:

- Accessible place for swaddling the baby:

- Height of placement of exhibits:
50 cm

- Height of signatures to exhibits:
45 cm

- In front of the exhibits there is free space (width, length):
50*50 cm

- Videos are accompanied by subtitles:

- Provided tactile exhibits:

- Available audio guide:

- Premises are equipped with an induction loop:

- There are formats for different senses:

- The exposition includes stories, works of people with disabilities:

- There is no toilet for people with disabilities

- Admission for the accompanying person is free:

- Allowed entry with a guide dog:

- Support service available:

- The museum's website meets the requirements of web accessibility:

- The museum has its own corporate identity (identity):

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