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Attractions Dnipro
Mediaprostir Information and Exhibition Center (Rocket Park)
The public information and exhibition center Mediaprostir in Dnipro operates on the basis of the former Center for Innovative Technologies "Rocket Park", located in the park next to the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council.
The museum-exhibition complex with life-size models of three rockets produced by the "Pivdenmash" plant was created in 2013. One of the first Soviet ballistic missiles 8K11 (R-11), the first missile with a mobile launch developed by KB "Pivdenne" 8K99 (RT-20P) and the three-stage launch vehicle "Zyklon-3" are presented at the exhibition site.
This is one of the main locations of the "Dnipro Space" tourist route. The exhibition hall of the complex is currently used as a venue for public events and presentations. ...
The public information and exhibition center Mediaprostir in Dnipro operates on the basis of the former Center for Innovative Technologies "Rocket Park", located in the park next to the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council.
The museum-exhibition complex with life-size models of three rockets produced by the "Pivdenmash" plant was created in 2013. One of the first Soviet ballistic missiles 8K11 (R-11), the first missile with a mobile launch developed by KB "Pivdenne" 8K99 (RT-20P) and the three-stage launch vehicle "Zyklon-3" are presented at the exhibition site.
This is one of the main locations of the "Dnipro Space" tourist route. The exhibition hall of the complex is currently used as a venue for public events and presentations.
Громадський інформаційно-виставковий центр Mediaprostir у Дніпрі функціонує на базі колишнього Центру інноваційних технологій "Парк ракет", що у сквері поруч із Дніпропетровською обласною радою.
Музейно-виставковий комплекс з натурними макетами трьох ракет виробництва заводу "Південмаш" створений у 2013 році. На експозиційному майданчику представлено одну з перших радянських балістичних ракет 8К11 (Р-11), першу ракету з мобільним стартом розробки КБ "Південне" 8К99 (РТ-20П) та триступеневу ракету-носій "Циклон-3".
Це одна з основних локацій туристичного маршруту "Дніпро космічний". Виставкова зала комплексу зараз використовується як майданчик для публічних заходів і презентацій.
Last update
Categories | Museum / gallery, Entertainment / leisure |
Date of foundation | 2013 |
Address |
Oleksandra Polya Avenue, 2D
Dnipro |
Coordinates |
48.46599° N, 35.02868° E
Phone | +380 97 227 3103, | | | |
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