Historical and Local Lore Museum, Novosilky

Museum / gallery

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General information about Historical and Local Lore Museum (Novosilky)

The History and Local Lore Museum at the Novosilky Gymnasium of the Boiarka City Council was created in 1989 on the initiative of local teachers. The materials for the museum were collected by students of the then Novosilky secondary school.

The exposition tells about the history of the village of Novosilky since its founding in the 15th century, about the liberation movements on the territory of the region in the 17th-19th centuries, and about the development of the village in the 20th century.

In particular, materials are presented about the military career of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Rear Admiral Ivan Kucherenko, who was born in the village of Novosilky in 1908, as well as about the scientist and writer Vitaliy Kulakovskyi, a native of the nearby village of Mostyshch ...

The History and Local Lore Museum at the Novosilky Gymnasium of the Boiarka City Council was created in 1989 on the initiative of local teachers. The materials for the museum were collected by students of the then Novosilky secondary school.

The exposition tells about the history of the village of Novosilky since its founding in the 15th century, about the liberation movements on the territory of the region in the 17th-19th centuries, and about the development of the village in the 20th century.

In particular, materials are presented about the military career of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Rear Admiral Ivan Kucherenko, who was born in the village of Novosilky in 1908, as well as about the scientist and writer Vitaliy Kulakovskyi, a native of the nearby village of Mostyshche.

Історико-краєзнавчий музей при Новосілківській гімназії Боярської міської ради створено у 1989 році з ініціативи місцевих педагогів. Матеріали для музею збирали учні тодішньої Новосілківської середньої школи.

Експозиція розповідає про історію села Новосілки від часів заснування у XV столітті, про визвольні рухи на території краю у XVII-XIX століттях та про розвиток села у XX столітті.

Зокрема, представлені матеріали про бойовий шлях Героя Радянського Союзу контрадмірала Івана Кучеренка, який народився в селі Новосілки у 1908 році, а також про вченого і письменника Віталія Кулаковського, уродженця сусіднього села Мостище.

Practical information about Historical and Local Lore Museum (Novosilky)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1989
Address Tsentralna Street, 3A


Coordinates 50.30339° N, 30.06343° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4578 24 540,
Email novosilkyshkola@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/group... External link icon
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