Ivan Franko Museum, Khalepya


Museum / gallery

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Ivan Franko Museum (Khalepya)

The museum of the outstanding writer and philosopher of Ukraine Ivan Franko was opened in the village of Khalepya in 2009 in the building of the former school of literacy.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the journey of Ivan Franko to Taras Shevchenko through the Dnipro, whose grave the outstanding Ukrainian figure always wanted to visit.

In the same year, in the premises where the Ivan Franko Museum was already located, the museum of the pioneer of Tryrillya archaeological culture, Vikentiy Khvoyka, and the local history museum were opened.

The Ivan Franko Museum is a branch of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.


The museum of the outstanding writer and philosopher of Ukraine Ivan Franko was opened in the village of Khalepya in 2009 in the building of the former school of literacy.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the journey of Ivan Franko to Taras Shevchenko through the Dnipro, whose grave the outstanding Ukrainian figure always wanted to visit.

In the same year, in the premises where the Ivan Franko Museum was already located, the museum of the pioneer of Tryrillya archaeological culture, Vikentiy Khvoyka, and the local history museum were opened.

The Ivan Franko Museum is a branch of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.

Музей видатного письменника та філософа України Івана Франка відкрився в селі Халеп'я в 2009 році в будівлі колишньої школи грамоти.

Експозиція музею присвячена дорозі Івана Франка до Тараса Шевченка через Дніпро, на могилі якого видатний український діяч завжди хотів побувати.

Того ж року у приміщенні, де вже розмістився музей Івана Франка, відкрили музей першовідкривача трипільської археологічної культури Вікентія Хвойки та краєзнавчий музей.

Музей Івана Франка є відділенням Київського обласного археологічного музею.

Practical information about Ivan Franko Museum (Khalepya)

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Categories Architecture, Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 2009
Hours of work 09:00–17:00
Address Berkutova Street, 11A


Coordinates 50.1165398° N, 30.8177019° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 96 341 6152, +380 68 756 9397,
Email muztrypil@gmail.com
Official site http://koam.com.ua/viddilennya... External link icon
Additional services
Cost adults - UAH 30; schoolchildren and students - UAH 15; pensioners and participants in hostilities - free of charge; excursion - UAH 50
International Symbol of Access

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