Lord Homestead Museum, Zhuravnyky

Palace / manor


Museum / gallery

General information about Lord Homestead Museum (Zhuravnyky)

The Museum "Lord Homestead of the 19th Century" is being created by the Lviv Regional Museum of History and Local Lore on the basis of the Bartmanskyi Palace in Zhuravnyky.

The palace in the style of classicism was built in the second half of the 19th century by the famous Galician politician and statesman, the vice president of Lviv, Oswald Bartmanskyi, who lived here with his wife Severyna Tustanovska. Later, the estate was rented by tenants. Later, the manor estate became the property of the community, a school was opened in it, which also operated during the Soviet regime.

Now the restoration of the palace is underway. It is planned to fully recreate the traditional interior and exterior of t ...

The Museum "Lord Homestead of the 19th Century" is being created by the Lviv Regional Museum of History and Local Lore on the basis of the Bartmanskyi Palace in Zhuravnyky.

The palace in the style of classicism was built in the second half of the 19th century by the famous Galician politician and statesman, the vice president of Lviv, Oswald Bartmanskyi, who lived here with his wife Severyna Tustanovska. Later, the estate was rented by tenants. Later, the manor estate became the property of the community, a school was opened in it, which also operated during the Soviet regime.

Now the restoration of the palace is underway. It is planned to fully recreate the traditional interior and exterior of the manor house of that era and the landscaped park on the shore of the pond.

Музей "Панська садиба ХІХ століття" створюється Львівським обласним історико-краєзнавчим музеєм на базі палацу Бартманських в Журавниках.

Палац у стилі класицизму збудував у другій половині XIX століття відомий галицький політик і державний діяч, віцепрезидент Львова Освальд Бартманський, який жив тут зі своєю дружиною Севериною Тустановською. Пізніше маєток винаймали орендарі. Згодом панська садиба перейшла у власність громади, у ній була відкрита школа, яка діяла і за радянської влади.

Зараз триває реставрація палацу. Планується повне відтворенння традиційного інтер’єру та екстер’єр садиби тогочасної епохи та ландшафтного парку на березі ставка.

Practical information about Lord Homestead Museum (Zhuravnyky)

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Categories Palace / manor, Architecture, Museum / gallery
Date of foundation ХІХ
Hours of work 10:00-19:00, day off - Saturday
Address Kraynia Street, 117


Coordinates 49.81146° N, 24.39171° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 32 296 0536, +380 32 296 0190, +380 32 296 3333,
Email museum.vynnyky@gmail.com
Official site http://museum-lh.lviv.ua/?page... External link icon
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