Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum, Sakhnovshchyna

Museum / gallery

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General information about Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum (Sakhnovshchyna)

The Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum was founded in 1967. The museum is located in the center of the village of Sakhnovshchyna on the territory of the gymnasium.

The exposition, located on an area of ​​​​over 200 square meters, has about eight thousand exhibits that introduce the history of the region and the lives of outstanding local residents - figures of science, culture and art. The pride of the museum is a collection of old men's and women's embroidered shirts. The highlight of the exposition is a unique exhibit - bratyna - a vessel that once served the Zaporizhzhian Cossacks for drinking honey and wine.

The Lyhivka Local Lore Museum is a branch of the Sakhnovshchyna Histo ...

The Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum was founded in 1967. The museum is located in the center of the village of Sakhnovshchyna on the territory of the gymnasium.

The exposition, located on an area of ​​​​over 200 square meters, has about eight thousand exhibits that introduce the history of the region and the lives of outstanding local residents - figures of science, culture and art. The pride of the museum is a collection of old men's and women's embroidered shirts. The highlight of the exposition is a unique exhibit - bratyna - a vessel that once served the Zaporizhzhian Cossacks for drinking honey and wine.

The Lyhivka Local Lore Museum is a branch of the Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum.

Сахновщинський історико-краєзнавчий музей заснований у 1967 році. Музей розташований в центрі селища Сахновщина на території гімназії. 

Експозиція, розташована на площі понад 200 квадратних метрів, налічує близько восьми тисяч експонатів, які знайомлять з історією краю та життям видатних краян - діячів науки, культури і мистецтва. Гордістю музею є колекція старовинних чоловічих і жіночих вишитих сорочок. Родзинкою експозиції є унікальний експонат - братиня - посуд, що свого часу слугував запорозьким козакам для пиття меду і вина.

Філією Сахновщинського історико-краєзнавчого музею є Лигівський краєзнавчий музей.

Practical information about Sakhnovshchyna Historical and Local Lore Museum (Sakhnovshchyna)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1967
Address Poltavska Street, 14


Coordinates 49.15194° N, 35.87383° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 57 623 1587,
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