Anthony and Theodosius Cathedral, Vasylkiv



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General information about Anthony and Theodosius Cathedral (Vasylkiv)

The Cathedral of Anthony and Theodosius in Vasylkiv is an example of Ukrainian Baroque architecture.

The cathedral in honor of Saints Anthony and Theodosius was built in the middle of the 18th century by the serf of the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra, Stepan Kovnir, by order of the Lavra Archimandrite (according to legend, an underground passage was laid from the Vasylkiv Cathedral to the Lavra).

From the outside, it resembles the Kozelets Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Gables with cornices of double curvature are considered a characteristic detail of architecture (sculptor Talyanets).

Paintings by Vasyl Bibibkov have been preserved in the interior. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Three- ...

The Cathedral of Anthony and Theodosius in Vasylkiv is an example of Ukrainian Baroque architecture.

The cathedral in honor of Saints Anthony and Theodosius was built in the middle of the 18th century by the serf of the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra, Stepan Kovnir, by order of the Lavra Archimandrite (according to legend, an underground passage was laid from the Vasylkiv Cathedral to the Lavra).

From the outside, it resembles the Kozelets Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Gables with cornices of double curvature are considered a characteristic detail of architecture (sculptor Talyanets).

Paintings by Vasyl Bibibkov have been preserved in the interior. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Three-Handed Mother of God.

Собор Антонія та Феодосія у Василькові – зразок архітектури українського бароко.

Собор на честь преподобних Антонія та Феодосія збудований в середині XVIII сторіччя кріпаком Києво-Печерської лаври Степаном Ковніром на замовлення лаврського архімандрита (за легендою, від васильківського собору до лаври прокладено підземний хід).

Зовні нагадує козелецький собор Різдва Богородиці. Характерною деталлю архітектури вважаються фронтони з карнизами подвійної кривизни (скульптор Тальянець).

В інтер'єрі збереглися розписи Василя Бібібкова. Головна святиня – чудотворна ікона Божої Матері Триручниці.

Practical information about Anthony and Theodosius Cathedral (Vasylkiv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1756-1758
Address Soborna Street, 46


Coordinates 50.18027778° N, 30.32027778° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 97 012 3362, +380 98 617 1385,
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