Mirror Stream, Kharkiv


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General information about Mirror Stream (Kharkiv)

The rotunda of the "Mirror Stream" fountain in Victory Square opposite the Opera House is considered a hallmark of the Kharkiv.

It was built in 1947 according to the project of the architect Viktor Korzh in honor of the Victory in the Second World War.

Until 1930, the Myronosytska Church (1701) was located on this site, then a wasteland and a trolleybus park. According to legend, the decision to create a square with a fountain was made by the city authorities after Mykyta Khrushchev, who visited Kharkiv, was dissatisfied with the view from the window of the regional committee.

At first, the gazebo-fountain was called "Glass stream". In 2007, for the 60th anniversary of the "Mirror Stream", its reconstruction was carried out. The next recon ...

The rotunda of the "Mirror Stream" fountain in Victory Square opposite the Opera House is considered a hallmark of the Kharkiv.

It was built in 1947 according to the project of the architect Viktor Korzh in honor of the Victory in the Second World War.

Until 1930, the Myronosytska Church (1701) was located on this site, then a wasteland and a trolleybus park. According to legend, the decision to create a square with a fountain was made by the city authorities after Mykyta Khrushchev, who visited Kharkiv, was dissatisfied with the view from the window of the regional committee.

At first, the gazebo-fountain was called "Glass stream". In 2007, for the 60th anniversary of the "Mirror Stream", its reconstruction was carried out. The next reconstruction took place in the fall of 2019.

Ротонда фонтану "Дзеркальний струмінь" у сквері Перемоги навпроти Оперного театру вважається візитівкою Харкова.

Споруджена в 1947 році за проєктом архітектора Віктора Коржа на честь Перемоги в Другій світовій війні.

До 1930 року на цьому місці розташовувалась Мироносицька церква (1701 рік), потім пустир та тролейбусний парк. За легендою, рішення про створення скверу з фонтаном було прийнято міською владою після того, як Микита Хрущов, що побував в Харкові, залишився незадоволеним видом з вікна обкому.

Спочатку фонтан-альтанка називалася "Скляний струмінь". В 2007 році до 60-річчя "Дзеркального струменя" було проведено його реконструкцію. Чергова реконструкція відбулася восени 2019 року.

Practical information about Mirror Stream (Kharkiv)

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Categories Monument
Date of foundation 1947
Address Sumska Street, 28/2


Coordinates 49.9987° N, 36.2343° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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