Great Choral Synagogue, Kropyvnytskyi



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General information about Great Choral Synagogue (Kropyvnytskyi)

A large chorale synagogue in the characteristic eclectic style of the end of the 19th century with a romantic direction of the Moorish style was built in Kropyvnytskyi in 1853.

In 1895, it was reconstructed according to the project of the famous Elisavethrad architect Oleksandr Lyshnevskyi. At that time, about 25,000 Jews lived in the city.

After the Second World War, the synagogue was closed, the building was in a state of disrepair. Now it has been restored and returned to the Jewish community of Kropyvnytskyi.

In 1998, 2 significant projects of Jewish culture started working in the premises of the synagogue - the historical museum "Jews of Yelisavethrad" (at the time of its creation it was the first communal Jewish museum in Ukraine) and the Jewish musical ...

A large chorale synagogue in the characteristic eclectic style of the end of the 19th century with a romantic direction of the Moorish style was built in Kropyvnytskyi in 1853.

In 1895, it was reconstructed according to the project of the famous Elisavethrad architect Oleksandr Lyshnevskyi. At that time, about 25,000 Jews lived in the city.

After the Second World War, the synagogue was closed, the building was in a state of disrepair. Now it has been restored and returned to the Jewish community of Kropyvnytskyi.

In 1998, 2 significant projects of Jewish culture started working in the premises of the synagogue - the historical museum "Jews of Yelisavethrad" (at the time of its creation it was the first communal Jewish museum in Ukraine) and the Jewish musical and dramatic theater "Thiya".

Велика хоральна синагога в характерному еклектичному стилі кінця XIX століття з романтичним напрямком мавританського стилю збудована в Кропивницькому в 1853 році.

В 1895 році реконструйована за проєктом відомого єлисаветградського архітектора Олександра Лишневського.  На той час в місті проживало близько 25 тисяч євреїв.

Після Другої світової війни синагога було закрита, будівля перебувала в аварійному стані. Нині вона відреставрована та повернута єврейській громаді Кропивницького.

В 1998 році в приміщенні синагоги розпочали роботу 2 значні проєкти єврейської культури - історичний музей "Євреї Єлисаветграда" (на час створення був першим общинним єврейським музеєм в Україні) та єврейський музично-драматичний театр "Тхія".

Practical information about Great Choral Synagogue (Kropyvnytskyi)

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Categories Temple, Monument
Date of foundation 1853
Address Viktora Chmilenka Street, 90/40


Coordinates 48.5086° N, 32.2678° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 522 246 944, +380 522 243 231,
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