Chernivtsi is often called "Little Vienna" or even "Little Paris" for its striking architectural image with a touch of Austrian secession and French Art Nouveau.
The city originates from an ancient Rus fortress on the Prut River, founded in the 12th century to protect the southern borders of the Galician principality. It was first mentioned as the "Black City" in the documents of 1408. It was part of Moldova, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Romania. In 1940 it became the regional center of Bukovyna.
The modern appearance of Chernivtsi began to form relatively recently - from the second half of the 18th century, thanks to which the city is distinguished by the integrity of the architectural ensembles of the old center, where Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque a ...
Chernivtsi is often called "Little Vienna" or even "Little Paris" for its striking architectural image with a touch of Austrian secession and French Art Nouveau.
The city originates from an ancient Rus fortress on the Prut River, founded in the 12th century to protect the southern borders of the Galician principality. It was first mentioned as the "Black City" in the documents of 1408. It was part of Moldova, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Romania. In 1940 it became the regional center of Bukovyna.
The modern appearance of Chernivtsi began to form relatively recently - from the second half of the 18th century, thanks to which the city is distinguished by the integrity of the architectural ensembles of the old center, where Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque and other styles intertwined.
The most famous architectural monuments appeared in the 19th century. The most valuable of them is the Residence of the Bukovinian metropolitans, which now houses the Chernivtsi State University. Many temples of different churches and confessions testify to multiculturalism, interethnic harmony and mutual understanding in the city.
Day of the city of Chernivtsi is celebrated on the first Saturday-Sunday of October.
Чернівці часто називають "маленьким Віднем" або навіть "маленьким Парижем" за яскравий архітектурний образ з нальотом австрійської сецесії та французького ар-нуво.
Місто бере початок від давньоруської фортеці на річці Прут, закладеної у XII столітті для захисту південних рубежів Галицького князівства. Вперше згадується як "Чорне місто" в документах 1408 року. Входило до складу Молдавії, Туреччини, Австро-Угорщини, Румунії. В 1940 році стало обласним центром Буковини.
Сучасний вигляд Чернівців почав формуватися відносно нещодавно - з другої половини XVIII століття, завдяки чому місто вирізняється цілісністю архітектурних ансамблів старого центру, де переплелися візантійський, готичний, бароковий і інші стилі.
Найвідоміші архітектурні пам ...
Чернівці часто називають "маленьким Віднем" або навіть "маленьким Парижем" за яскравий архітектурний образ з нальотом австрійської сецесії та французького ар-нуво.
Місто бере початок від давньоруської фортеці на річці Прут, закладеної у XII столітті для захисту південних рубежів Галицького князівства. Вперше згадується як "Чорне місто" в документах 1408 року. Входило до складу Молдавії, Туреччини, Австро-Угорщини, Румунії. В 1940 році стало обласним центром Буковини.
Сучасний вигляд Чернівців почав формуватися відносно нещодавно - з другої половини XVIII століття, завдяки чому місто вирізняється цілісністю архітектурних ансамблів старого центру, де переплелися візантійський, готичний, бароковий і інші стилі.
Найвідоміші архітектурні пам'ятки з'явилися в XIX столітті. Найціннішим з них є Резиденція буковинських митрополитів, в якій зараз розміщений Чернівецький державний університет. Безліч храмів різних церков і конфесій свідчить про багатокультурність, міжетнічну злагоду та взаєморозуміння в місті.
День міста Чернівці відзначається в перші суботу-неділю жовтня.
Chernivtsi City Hall
The construction of the City Hall on Rynok Square in 1847 cemented its status as the center of Chernivtsi.
The construction of the Chernivtsi City Hall was supervised by the architect Andreas Mikulich with the participation of regional engineer Adolf Marin. The architecture of the building shows features related to the departure from the principles of classicism and the turn to the Italian Renaissance: the facade is designed in a classical style, while the clock tower shows Renaissance motifs.
The building is still used for its intended purpose - it is where the Chernivtsi City Council meets. The facade is decorated with the coat of arms of the city.
Every day, a trumpeter in Bukovyna folk costume climbs the 126 steps to the 50-meter clock tower and at exactly 12:00 p.m. performs from the balcony the melody from the song "Marichka" - the musical business card of Bukovyna.
Upon prior agreement with the Tourist Information Center of Chernivtsi, it is possible to climb to the observation deck, which offers a wonderful panorama of the city and its surroundings (groups of up to 5 people).
The facades of several Austrian-style buildings, which in the 19th century housed the city's best hotels: "Under the Black Eagle", "Golden Lion" and others, also overlook the square.
Turkish Well Square Complex
Historic area
The cozy Turkish Well (Turetska Krynytsya) Square is a new landmark of Chernivtsi, emphasizing the multi-ethnicity of the city.
In the 17th century, a Turkish community lived in this area of the Lower City, immediately outside the city walls. Next to the old wooden well, the Turks built a stone fountain. From time immemorial, there was a city bath here, which operated even in Soviet times.
The ensemble of the square consists of the Turkish bridge (XIX century), a restored oriental-style pavilion above the spring, and a round arcade with a fountain. The decoration of the square is a flower clock, opened in 2008.
In 2009, during Blacksmiths' Day, a forged bicycle was installed on the square. Ancient houses around the perimeter continue to be restored.
Turkish Well Square is especially beautiful when illuminated in the evening.
Basilica of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Temple , Architecture
The Roman Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which has the status of a minor basilica, was built in 1814 by the personal order of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II, who during his visits to Chernivtsi was outraged that the Catholic community of the city had only a small chapel at its disposal.
Despite the financial and political support of the monarch, the construction of the temple was delayed for three decades. In 1818, the first clock was installed on the tower, which was then twice replaced with new ones. And on the side wall of the basilica there is a sundial.
The building acquired its modern appearance after the reconstruction in 1910.
In Soviet times, the Church of the Ascension in Chernivtsi was one of the few active Catholic churches on the territory of the USSR, due to which the interiors were completely preserved.
The church was granted the status of a minor basilica on July 19, 2014.
Concerts of classical and sacred music are held in the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross before significant dates.
Botanical Garden
Park / garden
The Botanical Garden of Chernivtsi National University is one of the oldest in Ukraine. Founded in 1877 by Professor Eduard Tanhle on the initiative of the Chernivtsi city magistrate.
There is a collection of more than 920 plants from different continents. Today, the botanical garden has departments of dendrology, tropical and subtropical plants, park science and herbaceous plants.
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Temple , Architecture
The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first stone Greek-Catholic church in Chernivtsi.
In Austrian times, it was called the Ruska Church (that is, Ruthenian - Ukrainian). The street leading to the cathedral from the main square is also called Ruska.
The Church of the Assumption in Empire style was built on the initiative of a wealthy citizen Thaddeus Turkul for the Greek Catholics of Chernivtsi, consecrated in honor of Saint Thaddeus. In the 1930s, the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style according to the project of the architect Volodymyr Zalozetsky and rededicated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A luxurious carved iconostasis created by Italian masters has been preserved.
In Soviet times, the building was used as a chemical warehouse.
Assumption Cathedral was returned to the Greek Catholic community in 1990. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Chernivtsi "Hope of those who have lost hope".
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