The Ternopil-Chernivtsi highway and the Brest-Odesa strategic railway pass through the city of Zalishchyky, which is on the left bank of the Dniester on the border of Bukovyna and Ternopil regions.
The village of Zalishchyky was first mentioned in 1578, although it is known that the settlement of Zalissya existed as early as 1340. The current city was founded around 1750 and already in 1766 received Magdeburg law. It was owned by the Polish magnates Lubomyrski, then by Stanislav Ponyatovskyi, the castellan of Kraków. In 1763, the church of Saint Stanislav was built.
Zalishchyky was famous as a climatic resort with beautiful beaches on the Dniester, as well as a wine-making center.
In 1919, the city became the capital of the Western Ukrainian People's Republi ...
The Ternopil-Chernivtsi highway and the Brest-Odesa strategic railway pass through the city of Zalishchyky, which is on the left bank of the Dniester on the border of Bukovyna and Ternopil regions.
The village of Zalishchyky was first mentioned in 1578, although it is known that the settlement of Zalissya existed as early as 1340. The current city was founded around 1750 and already in 1766 received Magdeburg law. It was owned by the Polish magnates Lubomyrski, then by Stanislav Ponyatovskyi, the castellan of Kraków. In 1763, the church of Saint Stanislav was built.
Zalishchyky was famous as a climatic resort with beautiful beaches on the Dniester, as well as a wine-making center.
In 1919, the city became the capital of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic for a few days - its government was located here, and 20 years later, after the German attack on Poland, the Polish government was temporarily located here.
Some old buildings and temples have been preserved.
The most impressive view of the city, surrounded on three sides by a wide ribbon of Dniester, opens from the opposite high bank of the river, from the village of Khreshchatyk.
Через місто Заліщики, що на лівому березі Дністра на кордоні Буковини та Тернопільської областей, проходить траса Тернопіль-Чернівці та стратегічна залізниця Брест-Одеса.
Село Заліщики вперше згадується в 1578 році, хоча відомо, що ще у 1340 році існувало поселення Залісся. Нинішнє місто засноване близько 1750 року і вже в 1766 році отримало Магдебурзьке право. Перебувало у власності польських магнатів Любомирських, потім краківського каштеляна Станіслава Понятовського. В 1763 році побудований костел Святого Станіслава.
Заліщики славилися як кліматичний курорт з прекрасними пляжами на Дністрі, а також як виноробний центр.
В 1919 році місто на кілька днів стало столицею Західно-Української Народної Республіки - тут знаходився її уряд, а через 20 років, після нападу Німе ...
Через місто Заліщики, що на лівому березі Дністра на кордоні Буковини та Тернопільської областей, проходить траса Тернопіль-Чернівці та стратегічна залізниця Брест-Одеса.
Село Заліщики вперше згадується в 1578 році, хоча відомо, що ще у 1340 році існувало поселення Залісся. Нинішнє місто засноване близько 1750 року і вже в 1766 році отримало Магдебурзьке право. Перебувало у власності польських магнатів Любомирських, потім краківського каштеляна Станіслава Понятовського. В 1763 році побудований костел Святого Станіслава.
Заліщики славилися як кліматичний курорт з прекрасними пляжами на Дністрі, а також як виноробний центр.
В 1919 році місто на кілька днів стало столицею Західно-Української Народної Республіки - тут знаходився її уряд, а через 20 років, після нападу Німеччини на Польщу, тут же тимчасово розміщувався польський уряд.
Збереглися деякі старі будівлі та храми.
Найвражаючий вид на місто, з трьох сторін охопленого широкою стрічкою Дністра, відкривається з протилежного високого берега річки, з села Хрещатик.
Brunytsky Palace
Palace / manor , Architecture
The Empire-style palace with an original colonnade and wing was built in Zalishchyky in 1831 by Baron Ignatius Brunytskyi on the site of the Ponyatovsky hunting castle.
Austrian Emperor Franz II stayed here during his trip to Galicia. A 5-hectare park was also laid out, where more than 400 trees of 40 species and forms are growing.
The palace has been preserved to this day, until recently it housed the department of the district hospital.
Zalishchyky Park is part of the protected zone of the regional landscape park "Dniester Canyon"
"Rifle Glory" Museum
Museum / gallery
The People's Museum was established at the House of Children's and Youth Creativity of the city of Zalishchyky in 1985. In 1992 it was reorganized into the "Museum of "Rifle Glory".
The museum's exposition includes the history of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen Legion, information about the structure of the combat formation, combat operations, exhibits about everyday life and culture.
Dniester Canyon National Nature Park
The Dniester Canyon National Nature Park was created in 2010 to preserve valuable natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects of the forest-steppe zone in the middle course of the Dniester River.
It occupies an area of 10,000 hectares within the Chortkiv district of the Ternopil region. There are layers (walls) containing ancient fossilized remains of flora and fauna, which are about 500 million years old.
The pride of the park is travertine rocks with caves and grottoes. About 50 large and small caves are known, including some of the longest in the world: Ozerna (105 kilometers), Optymistychna (230 kilometers).
A large number of rare plants, animals, and birds can be found on steep rocky shores and picturesque islands. Relict forest, rocky and alkaline-steppe vegetation has been preserved.
Popular tourist routes to the Dzhurynskyi Waterfall and in the "Hlody" tract to the "Farinnikova Krynytsia" spring.
Intercession of Holy Virgin Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built in Zalishchyky in 1864-1875, consecrated in 1873 as the Trinity Church.
Inside was an iconostasis of the work of local master Ivan Nich.
In 1962, the Intercession Church was closed, and a local history museum was placed in the premises.
Since 1989, it has been an active Greek Catholic church.
Saint Stanislav's Church
Temple , Architecture
The parish church of Saint Stanislav's was founded in Zalishchyky in 1763 by the Krakow castellan Stanislav Ponyatovsky.
Closed by the Soviet authorities in the 1940s. The temple was looted and turned into a salt warehouse.
Returned to believers in 1991, restoration is underway.
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