
Travel guide online Kharkiv

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General information about Kharkiv

The city of Kharkiv is the second most populous city in Ukraine (1.5 million), proud of the informal status of the first capital of Soviet Ukraine (from 1919 to 1934 it was the capital of the Ukrainian SSR). The main scientific and cultural center of the eastern regions of the country.

Kharkiv was founded in 1646-1654 near the hillfort of the historical city of Donets (XI-XIII centuries), which is mentioned in the "Word about Ihor's regiment". According to traditions, it was named after the founder - the Cossack Kharko (Khariton). The core of the city was a wooden fortress at the confluence of the Lopan and Kharkiv rivers. In 1659, it was rebuilt and strengthened according to the Moscow model, and lasted until the end of the 18th century.

Thanks to its favorabl ...

The city of Kharkiv is the second most populous city in Ukraine (1.5 million), proud of the informal status of the first capital of Soviet Ukraine (from 1919 to 1934 it was the capital of the Ukrainian SSR). The main scientific and cultural center of the eastern regions of the country.

Kharkiv was founded in 1646-1654 near the hillfort of the historical city of Donets (XI-XIII centuries), which is mentioned in the "Word about Ihor's regiment". According to traditions, it was named after the founder - the Cossack Kharko (Khariton). The core of the city was a wooden fortress at the confluence of the Lopan and Kharkiv rivers. In 1659, it was rebuilt and strengthened according to the Moscow model, and lasted until the end of the 18th century.

Thanks to its favorable geographical location, in the 18th and 19th centuries, Kharkiv actively developed and became one of the largest industrial and commercial centers of Eastern Europe.

In 1731, the Kharkiv Collegium was founded, which became the second most important in Ukraine after the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (taught by the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher and poet Hryhoriy Skovoroda). In 1805, the Kharkiv University, one of the oldest in Russia, was opened by the efforts of the scientist Vasyl Kazarin.

The city is rich in architectural monuments of the XIX-XX centuries, there are many monuments, including those of Taras Shevchenko and Vasyl Karazin.

Kharkiv City Day is celebrated on August 23.

Місто Харків - друге за розміром і чисельністю населення місто в Україні (1,5 мільйона), що пишається неформальним статусом першої столиці радянський України (з 1919 року по 1934 рік був столицею УРСР). Головний науковий і культурний центр східних областей країни.

Харків заснований в 1646-1654 роках поблизу городища літописного міста Донець (XI-XIII столітя), яке згадується в "Слові о полку Ігоревім". За переказами, назване по імені засновника - козака Харько (Харитона). Ядром міста була дерев'яна фортеця на злитті річок Лопань і Харків. У 1659 році перебудована та укріплена за московським зразком, проіснувала до кінця XVIII століття.

Завдяки вигідному географічному розташуванню, в XVIII-XIX столітях Харків активно розвивався і став одним з найбільших промислов ...

Місто Харків - друге за розміром і чисельністю населення місто в Україні (1,5 мільйона), що пишається неформальним статусом першої столиці радянський України (з 1919 року по 1934 рік був столицею УРСР). Головний науковий і культурний центр східних областей країни.

Харків заснований в 1646-1654 роках поблизу городища літописного міста Донець (XI-XIII столітя), яке згадується в "Слові о полку Ігоревім". За переказами, назване по імені засновника - козака Харько (Харитона). Ядром міста була дерев'яна фортеця на злитті річок Лопань і Харків. У 1659 році перебудована та укріплена за московським зразком, проіснувала до кінця XVIII століття.

Завдяки вигідному географічному розташуванню, в XVIII-XIX столітях Харків активно розвивався і став одним з найбільших промислово-торговельних центрів Східної Європи.

У 1731 році заснований Харківський колегіум, що став другим за значенням в Україні після Києво-Могилянської академії (викладав видатний український філософ і поет Григорій Сковорода). У 1805 році зусиллями вченого Василя Казаріна був відкритий один з найстаріших в росії Харківський університет.

Місто багате архітектурними пам'ятками XIX-XX століть, є безліч пам'ятників, в тому числі Тарасові Шевченку і Василю Каразіну.

День міста Харкова відзначається 23 серпня.

Сплануй своє перебування у Kharkiv

What to see and where to go in Kharkiv

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kharkiv

Fiddler on the Roof, Kharkiv
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Fiddler on Roof


The sculpture "Fiddler on Roof" was installed on the building of the Kharkiv Conservatory - an architectural monument of the 19th century.

The author of the composition is Seyfaddin Hurbanov. The prototype of "Fiddler" was the famous violist Yuriy Bashmet, but the image is considered collective, and the monument is dedicated to all Kharkiv artists, artists and musicians - people of creative professions.

"Fiddler on the Roof" became a symbol of the "People's Recognition" award - the "Kharkiv Oscar", which is awarded every year in the nominations "Music", "Fine Art", "Literature", "Theatre" and "Architecture".

In 2017, the monument was moved to the roof of the Platinum Plaza building.

Map pin icon Sumska Street, 72


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Jungle Aqua Park, Kharkiv
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Jungle Aqua Park


Kharkiv Jungle Aqua Park is a large modern indoor water park, the interior of which is stylized as the jungle of South America.

There are 7 swimming pools (including sports, wave, circular, hydromassage, jacuzzi) with 11 water attractions on 11,000 square meters of space, of which 4,000 square meters are occupied by the water entertainment area.

Water slides are distinguished by the profile of the chutes and the steepness of the curves. Super-attractions: the "Space Hole" centrifugal slide (54-meter spiral) and the "Black Hole" slide (16-meter rapid descent).

The temperature regime is maintained throughout the year in the range of 30-33 degrees with 65-70% humidity.

The complex also includes a hotel, restaurant, bars, sauna and massage, solarium, billiards, shooting range.

Map pin icon Kyrhyzka Street, 19B


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Slobozhanshchyna Art Gallery, Kharkiv
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"Slobozhanshchyna Art" Gallery

Museum / gallery

The regional art gallery "Art of Slobozhanshchyna" was founded in 1999. The gallery's exhibition halls are located in the center of Kharkiv, on Svobody Square, on the first floor of the 4th entrance of the Derzhprom Building.

The gallery's exposition is updated every two weeks and presents works of various artistic directions - painting, graphics, photography, decorative and applied arts, sculpture, etc.

The gallery also hosts creative meetings with artists, concerts, poetry evenings, seminars and much more.

Map pin icon Svobody Square, 5


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Archeology Museum of Kharkiv National University
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Archeology Museum of Kharkiv National University

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Archeology of the Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University dates back to 1807, when an antiquity cabinet was established at the university.

In the same year he received artifacts from the excavations of Olbia. They formed the basis of the exposition of the Museum of Fine Arts and Antiquities, established at the university in 1837. At the beginning of the XX century the Archaeological Museum became an independent scientific institution.

The modern exposition is located in the Exhibition Hall in the Main Building of the University. Here are some of the largest in Ukraine collections of objects of the Bronze Age, Scythian era, ancient times, Chernyakhiv and Saltivka cultures.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 4


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Astronomy Museum, Kharkiv
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Astronomy Museum named after Mykola Barabashov

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Astronomy of the Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University was opened in 2008. The museum is named after Mykola Barabashov, the founder of Kharkiv astronomy and the former rector of the university, who, while still a student, set up an observatory on the roof of one of the city's buildings. In 2020, on the occasion of the 215th anniversary of the university, the opening of the renovated and reconstructed museum took place.

The museum houses a collection of unique astronomical and geodetic instruments from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. This provides an opportunity to explore the formation and development of astronomy in Kharkiv, Ukraine and the world.

The peculiarity of the exhibition is that it is created in the premises of the Repsold meridian circle pavilion - the largest instrument in the collection - and has an underground floor. Thus, visitors can familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the process of astronomical observations and the design of the telescope, check the time on a sundial, view a collection of ancient telescopes and a collection of meteorites - one of the largest in Eastern Europe.

Map pin icon Sumska Street, 35B


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