The suburban village of Vysokyi is located on the Kharkiv-Dnipro highway on the southwestern outskirts of Kharkiv.
Founded in 1903 on the site of a small Berezove farm. Among the first settlers was the family of Mykhaylo Voyutskyi, head of the material service at the Southern Railway Administration. The "Vysokyi" sanatorium is now located on the site of the Voyutky manor. The Zelenohayskyi pond and the surrounding forest form a recreation area, where boarding houses and hotels are also located.
Приміське селище Високий розташоване на трасі Харків-Дніпро на південно-західній околиці Харкова.
Засноване в 1903 році на місці маленького хутора Березова. Серед перших поселенців була родина Михайла Воюцького, начальника матеріальної служби при Управлінні Південної залізниці. На місці садиби Воюцьких зараз розташований санаторій "Високий". Зеленогайський ставок і навколишній ліс утворюють рекреаційну зону, де також розташовані пансіонати і готелі.
Hnat Khotkevych Museum
Museum / gallery
The Hnat Khotkevych Museum was opened in Vysokyi in 1995 in the house where the famous writer, historian and art critic spent the last 9 years of his life. This estate was one of the informal cultural centers of the Slobozhanshchyna region. After Khotkevych was arrested by the NKVD and executed in 1938, the house was confiscated by the Soviet authorities.
The creation of the museum was initiated by the artist's daughter and wife - Halyna and Platonida Khotkevych, who in 1988 came to Kharkiv after many years of emigration. They managed to buy several rooms of the house from the new owners and open a memorial room-museum of Hnat Khotkevych on an area of 50 square meters. At the same time, the entire territory of the Khotkevych estate was included in the state register of historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine. Since 2005, the room-museum of Hnat Khotkevych has been a branch of the Kharkiv Literary Museum.
The museum's exposition recreates the image of the writer, historian, and art critic. It presents rare documents, manuscripts, letters, photographs, books, concert posters, musical instruments, sheet music, lifetime editions of Khotkevych's books, and translations of works by European authors into Ukrainian. The permanent exhibition "Hnat Khotkevych - Artist" presents a cycle of his paintings created in 1908-1909 in the Hutsul region.
It is planned to reconstruct the Khotkevych estate to restore it to its original appearance.
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