
Travel guide online Kovel

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General information about Kovel

The city of Kovel is a regional center on the banks of the Turia River. The settlement of Kovle arose during the military campaigns of Danylo Halytskyi in 1238-1240. Kovel was under the rule of Lithuania, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Austria-Hungary, and the Russian Empire.

In 1518 he received Magdeburg law. Representatives of the literary family Kosachiv, who lived in the neighboring Kolodiazhne village, often visited here. During the Second World War, the city was almost completely destroyed, almost no historical monuments remained.

There is a pedestrian street, monuments to Lesya Ukrainka, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and others.

The city of Kovel is a convenient transshipment point for trips to ...

The city of Kovel is a regional center on the banks of the Turia River. The settlement of Kovle arose during the military campaigns of Danylo Halytskyi in 1238-1240. Kovel was under the rule of Lithuania, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Austria-Hungary, and the Russian Empire.

In 1518 he received Magdeburg law. Representatives of the literary family Kosachiv, who lived in the neighboring Kolodiazhne village, often visited here. During the Second World War, the city was almost completely destroyed, almost no historical monuments remained.

There is a pedestrian street, monuments to Lesya Ukrainka, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and others.

The city of Kovel is a convenient transshipment point for trips to Poland through the border crossing "Yahodyn". There are several good motels and roadside restaurants, and there are many branded gas stations on the highway.

Місто Ковель - райцентр на берегах річки Турія. Поселення Ковле виникло за часів військових походів Данила Галицького 1238-1240 років. Ковель перебував під владою Литви, Речі Посполитої, Австро-Угорщини, Російської Імперії.

У 1518 році отримав Магдебурзьке право. Тут часто бували представники літературної родини Косачів, які жили в сусідньому селі Колодяжне. Під час Другої світової війни місто було практично повністю знищене, історичних пам'яток майже не залишилося.

Є пішохідна вулиця, пам'ятники Лесі Українці, Богдану Хмельницькому та іншим.

Місто Ковель - зручний перевалочний пункт при поїздках до Польщі через прикордонний перехід "Ягодин". Тут є кілька непоганих мотелів і прид ...

Місто Ковель - райцентр на берегах річки Турія. Поселення Ковле виникло за часів військових походів Данила Галицького 1238-1240 років. Ковель перебував під владою Литви, Речі Посполитої, Австро-Угорщини, Російської Імперії.

У 1518 році отримав Магдебурзьке право. Тут часто бували представники літературної родини Косачів, які жили в сусідньому селі Колодяжне. Під час Другої світової війни місто було практично повністю знищене, історичних пам'яток майже не залишилося.

Є пішохідна вулиця, пам'ятники Лесі Українці, Богдану Хмельницькому та іншим.

Місто Ковель - зручний перевалочний пункт при поїздках до Польщі через прикордонний перехід "Ягодин". Тут є кілька непоганих мотелів і придорожніх ресторанів, на трасі багато брендових АЗС.

Сплануй своє перебування у Kovel

What to see and where to go in Kovel

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kovel

Saint Anna's Church, Kovel
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic parish of Saint Anna was founded in Kovel in the 16th century with the help of Queen Bona. She was supported by King Yan Kazymyr, many local magnates.

Initially, the wooden church was located next to the Church of the Annunciation. The temple was destroyed during the War of Liberation, in 1710 it was rebuilt by Volyn voivode Stanislav Leshchynskyi, then it burned down in a fire, but was revived again and lasted until 1945, when it was dismantled by order of the Soviet authorities.

In 1996, a new Roman Catholic church appeared on the site of the former car park - the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1771, moved from the village of Vyshenki. This is the only two-tower wooden Catholic church in Volyn. Consecration took place in 1996.

Currently, the church of Saint Anna is under the care of the Catholic order of the Friars Minor of Saint Francis of Assisi in Kovel.

Map pin icon Verbytskoho Street, 1A


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Resurrection Cathedral, Kovel
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Holy Resurrection Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Resurrection Cathedral is the fifth Kovel cathedral that has survived to this day.

The mention of the first Resurrection Cathedral is found in the deed of Queen Bona in 1549. After that, the wooden temple burned down several times, but was restored.

The five-domed stone cathedral was built in 1877. On the pediment there is a painting - the meeting of Jesus Christ with Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 174


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Fridrikson Pharmacy, Kovel
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Fridrikson Pharmacy


The building of the old Fridrikson pharmacy is one of the most interesting examples of pre-war civil architecture in Kovel.

The building is brick, two-story. The corner is cut off and cut off by a bay window, which ends with a four-sided dome. According to some data, the building was erected in 1799, although it is more likely that it is an architectural monument of the 19th century.

Pharmacist Fridrikson opened a pharmacy in Kovel. The clients of the pharmacist known throughout the district were, in particular, the writer Modest Levytsky, who worked as a district doctor in Kovel, as well as the Kosach family from nearby Kolodiazhne.

Currently, the building of the Fridrikson pharmacy houses the Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism with an art gallery, municipal pharmacy No. 1 with a museum exhibition, as well as the Soprano cafe.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 89


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Kovel Historical Museum
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Kovel Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Kovel Historical Museum is located in the central city park, named after Lesya Ukrayinka.

The exposition tells about the history of Kovel region from ancient times to the present day: weapons and jewelry of the XI-XIV centuries, objects of the Cossack era, the current blacksmith's fur and anvil of the late XIX century, blacksmith mechanism of the early twentieth century.

Traditional folk costumes of the region's inhabitants of the XIX-XX centuries are presented.

A monument to Lesya Ukrayinka has been erected nearby in the park.

Map pin icon Oleny Pchilky Street, 11


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