
Travel guide online Chabany

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General information about Chabany

The village of Chabany is located at the exit from Kyiv towards Odesa.

It was probably founded in the first half of the 18th century, as evidenced by archaeological findings. Most likely, the establishment of the settlement is connected with the construction of defensive structures south of Kyiv by Hetman Danylo Apostol in 1733-1736. According to legend, the founder was the Cossack Chaban, whose name the village bears to this day.

The development of the village in the middle of the 19th century was facilitated by the construction of the highway from Kyiv to Vasylkiv. Now Chabany, as one of the closest suburbs of Kyiv, is being actively developed by developers.

Село Чабани розташоване на виїзді з Києва в бік Одеси.

Ймовірно, засноване в першій половині XVIII сторіччі, про що свідчать археологічні знахідки. Швидше за все заснування поселення пов'язане зі спорудженням гетьманом Данилом Апостолом в 1733-1736 роках оборонних споруд на південь від Києва. За легендою, засновником був козак Чабан, чиє ім'я село носить донині.

Розвитку села в середині XIX століття посприяла прокладка шосейної дороги з Києва до Василькова. Зараз Чабани, як одне з найближчих передмість Києва, активно освоюється забудовниками.

Сплануй своє перебування у Chabany

What to see and where to go in Chabany

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Tourist attractions and museums of Chabany

Pillbox 186, Chabany
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Pillbox 186

Castle / fortress

The long-term firing point No. 186 (Pillbox 186) in Chabany was built in 1930 and is one of the 250 fortification structures of the Kyiv Fortified District (KiUR), covering Kyiv from the southwest in a semi-ring 85 kilometers long.

The 1.5-meter-thick walls are designed for a direct hit by a 203-millimeter projectile. Pillbox is single-story, has 4 embrasures and an additional embrasure of the rear firing. There were 4 machine guns "Maxim" and one manual DP. Ammunition - 90,000 rounds of caliber 7.62. The type of masking is an economic building.

In 1941, Pillbox 186 was part of the "Crimea" base. Garrison - 10-15 people (surnames of fighters are unknown).

Currently, the International Association of Fortification Researchers "Citadel" has created a museum on the basis of Pillbox 186. Part of the equipment has been restored, in particular one of the casemate machine guns.

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