
Travel guide online Tashan

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General information about Tashan

The village of Tashan on the Supiy River is located 25 kilometers east of Pereyaslav.

It was mentioned for the first time in 1149 in the Ipatiyiv chronicle as Kytay-horodyshche. In the 17th century, it was a free Cossack settlement, then it became the property of Pereyaslav colonels.

In the 18th century, the masters of Tashan were the princes of Kantakuzen. In 1770, Catherine II transferred the village to Count Petro Rumyantsev. The count founded a manor with a three-story palace in Tashan, and his grandson Mykola Holitsyn greatly expanded it. The last owner of the village was Prince Kostyantyn Horchakov, after whom the manor fell into decline.

A landscape park with an area of ​​144 hectares with ...

The village of Tashan on the Supiy River is located 25 kilometers east of Pereyaslav.

It was mentioned for the first time in 1149 in the Ipatiyiv chronicle as Kytay-horodyshche. In the 17th century, it was a free Cossack settlement, then it became the property of Pereyaslav colonels.

In the 18th century, the masters of Tashan were the princes of Kantakuzen. In 1770, Catherine II transferred the village to Count Petro Rumyantsev. The count founded a manor with a three-story palace in Tashan, and his grandson Mykola Holitsyn greatly expanded it. The last owner of the village was Prince Kostyantyn Horchakov, after whom the manor fell into decline.

A landscape park with an area of ​​144 hectares with a system of picturesque ponds has been preserved.

Село Ташань на річці Супій розташоване в 25 кілометрах на схід від Переяслава.

Вперше згадується в 1149 році в Іпатіївському літописі як Китай-городище. В XVII сторіччі це було вільне козацьке поселення, потім воно перейшло у власність переяславських полковників.

В XVIII столітті господарями Ташані були князі Кантакузени. В 1770 році Катерина II передала село графу Петрові Румянцеву. Граф заснував в Ташані садибу з триповерховим палацом, а його онук Микола Голіцин значно її розширив. Останнім власником села був князь Костянтин Горчаков, після якого садиба прийшла в занепад.

Зберігся ландшафтний парк площею 144 гектари з системою мальовничих ставків.

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What to see and where to go in Tashan

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Tashan Park
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Tashan Park

Park / garden

Tashan Park with an area of ​​144 hectares is a monument of garden and park art of national significance.

The estate in Tashan was established in 1775 by Field Marshal General, Count Petro Rumyantsev-Zadunayskyi, who was appointed by Catherine II as the Governor General of Ukraine. The castle-palace of Rumyantsev was located on the market square, where there used to be a military fortress. A large landscape park was laid on the basis of a plot of ancient oak forest. The count died alone in Tashan.

Count Mykola Holitsyn's grandson expanded the park and built a mahogany house in it. With him, the park's plantings were replenished with such trees and shrubs as hornbeam, Weymouth pine, European larch, birch, ash, common juniper.

In 1901-1903, the last owner of Tashan, Prince Kostyantyn Horchakov, added a system of three ponds to the park, which used to grow fish. Now only one pond with an island looks attractive. Canadian maple and silver fir grow on the island and on its shores. In some places, you can find nests of chestnuts, maples and boxwood.

On Chmirova Hill, which was a place of reception and entertainment for guests, there is a single pyramidal oak, and very close to it is a well dug by Horchakov in 1901.

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